I've released a major update for vsh_dr_poolparty!
What's new:
- Fixed troll trap texture
- Improved textures in some other areas (although they still aren't perfect, take the metal doors for instance)
- Replaced the glitchy motivator with a timer. It's set to 6:30
- Fixed an exploit where you could skip the 4th trap
- Pacman now lets Hale win. Hale is now ubercharged and the heal is removed
- Going into the pacman tele now teleports the entire red team
- Fight now has two healthpacks
- Fixed an exploit concerning the trail
- Fixed an exploit where Hale could get on top of his area
- Fixed an exploit allowing players to get to Hale's area
- Ladders are now far more functional! You can now simply walk up them
- Added an entirely new area ported from css! It has:
- three new traps
- A platforming area
- A water area
- The large red floatie is now a func_door, this was done to fix exploits where it could be spun indefinitely and get stuck
- Added more visuals to the fire trap.
That's about it.