It takes skill to aim with a flare...
Shotgun shots just spread everywhere which most people are doing is m1ing..
You can dodge shotgun's aswell as flares
Tell me, why do the majority of regulars NOT use shotgun? It's far more effective to just use your primary than to use the shotgun.
Sure, they might spread everywhere but the spread is completely random besides one bullet which goes to where the center of your crosshair is aimed. They might be able to hit you with one pellet per shot but that one pellet is doing minimal damage. Usually under 5 damage at mid-long range.
You can only dodge shotguns in the sense that they miss their shots. The bullets from a shotgun have NO travel time; if they're aiming at you when they press M1 you WILL get hit. Conversely, flares have a travel time and outside of a couple feet you can dodge 100% of flares with a combination of predicting when they will shoot and moving out of the way of the flare as it's coming towards you.