What would you guys think of adding Bushwacka jumping for the Sniper? Would give the few players who use the Sniper on occasion some extra mobility.
For those who don't know, Bushwacka jumping is used in our hale servers. It allows Snipers to climb walls when a player jumps and hits a wall with the Bushwacka, at the price of some health damage.
And if you guys like the idea, how about adding it to all of Sniper's melee weapons? Or should it be set to only one melee, which doesn't necessarily have to be the Bushwacka? Bushwacka gets crits when used with Jarate, so perhaps it could be added to say the Tribalman's Shiv or even stock to encourage use of them.
As well adding it in, what about the health penalty? When used, should it do more damage when jumping, or take the same amount of health away when using the weapon?
TL;DR version: Bushwacka jumping: Yes or no?