Just a question, why does everyone think that the shotgun is so op and just complains and calls them shitguns/shotgun n00bs when they are heavily nerfed and only have 2 shots a clip?
When someone shoots a flare at you, you can dodge it 100% of the time barring lag or some other unfortunate circumstance. You can't dodge a well-aimed shotgun. At all. It's on the scout dodging the flare to have good movement while it's on the shotgun pyro to have good aim.
You can't even kill a prop point blank with a full clip.
Yes you can. 60 base damage + max of 15% because of damage spread is max 69 damage per shot.
However, the flare on the other hand, can kill with 1 shot, as long as the prop is even the tiniest bit on fire, unless you're extremely close to a HP pack, although the knockback on crit flares is ridiculous?
I suppose I'm being a bit pedantic, but it cannot kill with one flame particle, it only does 90 (+6 from the flame). Also, knockback is tied directly to damage dealt, pre-nerf reserve shooter would have more knockback on a perfect air shot, and current shotgun has roughly 70% as much on a perfect shot.
Everytime a regular dies they make some fucking stupid excuse unless it was another regular which they're like "XD OOPS SOZZY BBY <3 U i tot u wer a real prop not friendly "
And sometimes when a regular dies to a shotgun, OTHER REGULARS COMPLAIN, I killed someone with a shotgun and there were 4 consecutive complaints about shotgun in prop.
Haven't seen this, but I'd bet it's because they already don't like the shotgun.
tl;dr shotgun isn't that bad, flare is
Nah, they're equally bad. Or good. Either way. Neither of them needs to be changed, and it's easy to dodge the M1-Q-M1 combo that most people complain about by moving before you get flamed. The majority of people that I see complain about my flare don't even try to move before they're dead - You and Box are the only people I've seen try to run from my flares before complaining about them.
The basis behind the whole "shitgun" thing (I think) is that since you don't have to track your target like you do with the flare, it can be considered too easy, or noobish, to use, and a lot of new players tend to just stick with it the whole round instead of pulling out their flamethrower.
People don't like the shotgun because it is similar to the flaregun. Since it's been nerfed, it doesn't provide nearly the burst damage that the flare does, but it provides more utility. You can weapon heckle a prop that's running to negate their health packs or run up to them and get a good shot off to finish them. It becomes frustrating when no matter how good your movement is, you still get shot either because the person with the shotgun has good aim or because your last dodge didn't register on their screen due to lag. And you got hit.
It also has a good amount of knockback which can be very frustrating when trying to run away or run around. Yes, flame-flare combo with the degreaser is deadly, but from close range, the stock flamethrower can kill nearly as quickly if the prop stays still for any longer than a second.
Stock flamethrower can kill a prop in around 0.7 seconds. Degreaser + flare can kill a prop in (if I did my math right) 0.426 seconds + travel time for the flare. The downside would be that for another 0.25 seconds or so the degreaser + flare guy can't do anything, putting deg+flare roughly on par with the flamethrower.
Flame-axtinguisher is instakill as well, but it doesn't seem to have raised your interest at all.
Likely because I have more flare kills than everyone who axtinguishes has axe kills combined. And I used to play a lot.
I do agree that the complaining is annoying and a bit silly - I've done it myself more than a few times - and it just stems from those who wish for prophunt to be more about fun and less about playing the game, really.
People complain because there's something that annoys them. The people who "want the game to be more about fun" find it annoying that any server regular disagrees with their definition of fun - just look at all the times I get called a tryhard and "go outside, Shooter", etc... Every time I play prop hunt and don't quit after a round or two, I'm having fun. Winning is fun. Not for everyone, but some people get it and some don't.
As for me, I complain about the one-shot melee weapons, minigun, and certain maps because they annoy me when I play. Not that we can do anything about some of them, but that doesn't ease my mind at all. =P