« on: March 03, 2014, 02:55:39 pm »
so this will be the final post on this pointing out the weakness and stregths of the survivors weapo/perk combos.
this section covers the 2 most commonly used survivors demo and soldier.
starting with the demo- he is by far the most versatile in play styles, having the option to go demoknight with boots shield and sword or go grenade launcher sticky and mele weapon, or even hybrid by going grenade shield and sword.
one of his most over powered features is the eyelander. for each head taken he gains hp back that he lost along with a small spead buff. this may not seem like much at first but given the situation of using a perk that gives damage bonus (juggernaut, wise, zenlike,resourceful,selfless,friend,stircrazy) this encourages the use of demoknighting. the targe makes this a good shield to use for its resistance bonus to combustables or scorching as well as 1 shotting combustables through instant mele kills due to the -100% def stat. this immediatly builds heads and attack. being a unlock this is the obvious choice for most people to go.
using this with perks like zenlike or holy make it really easy for a demo to get kills in "hidden room" hiding places where theres only 1 entrance or crouching is forced anyway.
same for the persian persuader while not gaining extra health or speed this makes resourcful a prime focus while playing a demo knight, by giving the ability to pick up amo as health this allows a demoknight who would normally not be able to pick up amo but use it to convert into a free attack or deffense bonus, the sword itself encourages more charging aswell and using the splendid screen this builds for quick attack damage, example: a demoknight with no extra attack or deffense at the start of the round charges into a heavy, does around 60-80 damage, then using the crit given from teh charge either finishes off the heavy or ends teh heavy in 1 more attack. using resourceful this makes it simple to get quick kills and regen health while picking up packs for bonus's
hybrid builds.
one common thing i have learned while using the load out of loch n load,spledid screen, persian persuader and wise is that due to the lochs 1 shot on scouts already the splash damage it gives can give me the advantage of 30% attack power at the start of a match against 3-4 zombies. things like this give players a advantage over pure demoknight builds adding the ranged attack they are missing to still gain attack and deffense/heal,ive even had amo return while using the persian and loch just by getting kills with the loch. the same can be done with any sword/shield/grenade launcher.
explosive based demo. on maps like egypt mansion where protecting 1 critical entrance from zombies is important the sticky launcher is god. this can be said for any game mod but when it comes to control points zombies have no choice but to become fodder and sacrifice themselves for some footing since they cant destroy them themselves, a good example is degroot keep where the zombies HAVE to get the control points to get to the survivors, a demo is bound to (no matter the perk) wreck the zombies that get near it, if using wise this only feeds the demo and makes him stronger with no effort what so ever. if survivors have to cap a point demo (and soldier) have a tool just designed for that, since the pain train counts as 2 people on a capture point like a scout even if there is a 10% bullet vulnerability that is very unlikly to be effective for zombies,since thieving does so little damage with so little amo,i wouldnt even worry about it, making this a straight upgrade from stock if your not using a sword, unlike most other mele weapons the ability to crit is enabled, giving it a clear lead over stock weapons.
because the demo has resistance with both his shields and even afterburn its easily the most forgiving class even without a perk the upsides to the demo have little to no downsides given the most utility even more than the soldier (defensively) with enough damage dealing weapons to forgive demo for any mistakes.
and finally the soldier.
im going to start with listing his weapons and there stats.
the black box on hit +15 health
-25% clip
the cow mangler doesn not require ammo
alt fire a charged shot that mini crits players sets them on fire and disables buildings
no random critical hits
deals only 20% damage to buildings
cannot be crit boosted
the direct hit +25% damage bonus
+80% projectile speed
minicrits targets launched airborne by explosions
-70% explosion radius
beggars bazooka
hold fire to load up to three rockets
release fire to unleash the barrage
+3 degrees random projectile deviation
overloading the chamber will cause a missfire
no amo from dispensers
liberty launcher
+40% projectile speed
-25% damage from rocket jumps
-25% damage penalty
each one of these forgives the soldier in some way shape or form, we have gotten the rescourcful perk nerfed recently because when used with the blackbox healing was absurd, those who defended it where mostly donors who where always survivors and people who never liked having a possibility of dieing.
the cowmangler which would normally not be crit boosted or randomly crit can be crit boosted by perks like zenlike or any other perk that gives crits, when paired on a map like degroot keep hiding on the accesable ledge and point b makes the soldier almost unkillable, and since it has no need for amo there is no reason to get down or leave when crouching to regain health and crits is eaiser to do.
while i dont see as many people use the direct hit or the liberty launcher ive seen on occasion the beggers be used in corridors and hallways obliterate a horde of zombies. the splash damge from 3 rockets spread out can take out a heavy with no place to run.
now moving onto the secondaires.
the 2 weapons
the reserve shooter
the only benifit i can see is the faster weapon switch, i never hardly see this on soldiers anymore as is.
the righteous bison
this is another example of what i stated about the cow mangler, removes the need to get amo and promotes camping with a perk to get a advantage
buff banner
the rewards damage done giving teh soldier (and allies) more damage engis sentries get teh boost just from the engi getting it with what ever chosen perk is attached, this rewards something a survivor should be able to do but gives stat gaining health giving perks more power.
battalion backup
not as commonly used but end up giving soldiers 20 extra health, ontp of damage reduction. this can be good when fighting a crit cola scout or raging heavy but also padds out deffinsive perks ontop of what the perk would already give.
the most commonly used for soldiers now, passive health regen with a speed buff and health on damage. when using resourceful or blackbox or both it becomes a torrent of health even speeds healing to be more than a medics passive healing when using zenlike.
mantreads-absolutly useless to anyone in zombies not only is landing these already hard but roaring or knock back is only a situational thing.
gunboats- when used with liberty launcher this promotes a playstyle of rocket jumping with the gardener, only seen it once but a soldier jumping around laning hits that are instant kills in zombies is hard enough when trying to land hits on him, making leap the only hope or cleavers. problem with that is scouts fly past their target and spys have a hard time stabing/backstabing air targets. not really that big of a deal seeing its hardly ever a issue or used.
melee weapons.
since most other weapons are stock reskins ill really only cover 1
the pain train. a straight upgrade to mele for soldier and demo like i said before all the upside downside taken away in zf.
most other weapons like the equalizer or escape plan or market gardner are hardly ever used in mele situations since the damage from rockets combined with perks is usueally enough to kill a zombie or 3 this is where thats all i have to say about his melee, unlike demo his main strengths lie in his rocket launchers and his backbacks, 9 out of 10 times all you see is black box and conch or black box and shotgun. this is fine except that he has TOO much offense and just enough health/deffense to pad out hits and survive, his added rocket jumping ability make it unpredictable on open area maps for zombies to get a solid strategy out and it ends up just following him teh best they can while getting blown away.
what these classes and perks need the most out of anything is not a weapon or perk nerf but a blanace update. we need admins to play with us in our server to see all of these things for themselves, ive played on the server for a little over 2 years, i remember when the half zatoichi was finally banned because of wise and zenlike demos.
admins heard us then and stepped in. but since then alot of weapons have been changed by valve and we need some balance or tweaking. one side doesnt need to destroy the other 9 out of 10 times it should be equal, fun, and based on player skill not just who has the better perk and load out.
if anyone has anything to add or say any comment would be helpful.