Author Topic: Boss Rotation  (Read 156982 times)

Offline LEON35

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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #225 on: August 03, 2013, 10:19:56 pm »
I'm sure plenty of people will agree with at least some of these, so here I go. I want to discuss current bosses that need to be nerfed and buffed (mostly nerfed).

Set 1
Cave Johnson - Grenades are very powerful in comparison to his SH counterpart. They instant kill anything and afterburn can kill heavies
Dr. Octagonpus - Chainlighting should be nerfed to tails'
Bonk Boy - Overall just extremely cheap. He doesn't deserve the soda popper he gets when he rages. It's just OP
Woody - Saxton Hale with global rage

Set 2
Dr. Who - If he couldn't collect ammo for his diamondback, he'd be more balanced.
Fox - Rage shouldn't be global if he becomes ubercharged.
Bart - Saxton Hale with global rage
Franky - Rage gives stun, chain lighting, AND a shotgun?

Set 3
Donkey Kong - The yellow screen that pops up when he rages lasts too long. It blocks your view COMPLETELY.
Weeping Angel - Tele and rage builds too quickly.
Darth Vader - Chain lighting, uber, and detonator with rage. One should be removed
Sonic - Chainlighting should be nerfed to Tails'

Set 4
HEROBRINE - Unarguably most OP hale of all time. Summons 2 dead people with each SJ. He's so fun I'd be okay with him staying the same. Still, OP as fuck

Set 5
Skelescout* and can kill heavies in one hit
MeeM - Can kill heavies in one hit

Set 6
Rage Sniper - Can kill heavies in one hit and collect ammo for his rockets.
Dic Soupcan*
Abe - Rage is global AND he's fast. Nerf one of the two

*DRUGS RAGE. EVERYONE hates these rages and they simply last too damn long. I think they should be removed all together, or nerf other aspects of these hales.

Set 1
Radigan - Rage is underpowered. Takes extra damage when brass beast is deployed
Wall-E - Weak shortcircuit, slow, and a huge hitbox

Set 4
Cuddly Heavy - No stun at all with rage

I may be wrong on some, but I've asked others and together this list was made. Hopefully we'll see some action.

The global ones are fine; the farther you are, the less chance you have of dying, but I agree with the rest, imo.

Offline Lunacy

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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #226 on: August 04, 2013, 02:06:05 am »
He's still OP no matter other versions of him

practice dodging pills


  Yea all the 'drugs' rage bosses, the effect simply lasts much too long and many of them cause complete loss of control (unable to turn, sometimes moves automatically) and would be simply fixed if it was shortened to the duration of the main stun.
  I don't mind some of the global rages, as long as they aren't getting all the other stuff.  I mean if they get a long lasting global stun AND ubercharge, that's just redundant.
  I was surprised to see that Herobrine also got a damn huntsman, you aren't safe from him no matter what.
  I'm still going on about all the gun hales having a 8-9x damage bonus on their guns (usually revolver and shotguns) that can kill just about anyone from across the map with simple meat shots. (ie 3 damage pellet from the shotgun can 1-hit-kill half the classes)  It'll only be balanced if they do around 200 at point blank.
  Not a fan of being 1hitkilled by chain lightnings either.
  Radigan is fine, but the extra damage taken should be on other gun bosses as well to compensate their damage.  Radigan's minigun makes him take more damage and the minigun barely does any damage except at close range, it's to punish bosses who are trying to kill people at a distance instead of using melee.  He's not underpowered, he's just punishing.  He can be played exactly the same way as Saxton Hale, so calling him underpowered or needing a buff means Saxton does too.
  Wall-E is sort of fine I suppose, is meh for me.  Short Circuit doesn't need to be powerful, it's not his only form of attack, it's just funny to see people try.  Hitbox is the same as heavy or soldier, not sure which.
  Cuddly Heavy is unique without the rage, and has ranged attacks with no penalties.  He is just a bit more difficult to play as because you can't be a noob and stun everyone.
  Weeping Angel and SCP are another unique set, who basically teleport to everyone to win, it's their playstyle.  I just want SCP to have a selfstun so it gives people a slight chance when they get teleported to(into?), instead of being instantly taken out of the game like Gentlemen does.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 02:33:05 am by Lunacy »
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Offline Propane

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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #227 on: August 04, 2013, 12:53:32 pm »
practice dodging pills
What about the huge engineer nests? It only takes 2-3 pills to destory 3 engineers and ALL of their buildings. Is that OP or simply the engineer's fault for bulding together on a boss like Cave?

Offline Propane

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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #228 on: August 04, 2013, 01:00:32 pm »
Oh yeah guys, remember. I don't know if this was intentional, but I highly doubt that. The drugs effects from bosses who have that rage will still affect those who are even ubercharged, wasting the uber because you can't aim at all. If anything gets fixed from my rant, let it be that.

Offline VoiDeD

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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #229 on: August 04, 2013, 04:14:09 pm »
Oh yeah guys, remember. I don't know if this was intentional, but I highly doubt that. The drugs effects from bosses who have that rage will still affect those who are even ubercharged, wasting the uber because you can't aim at all. If anything gets fixed from my rant, let it be that.

That definitely sounds like something worth changing. I'll be looking into this and other boss changes if I can find some time inbetween TI3 matches.

I'm still going on about all the gun hales having a 8-9x damage bonus on their guns (usually revolver and shotguns) that can kill just about anyone from across the map with simple meat shots. (ie 3 damage pellet from the shotgun can 1-hit-kill half the classes)  It'll only be balanced if they do around 200 at point blank.

And you'll probably continue going on about it until you actually inform us of which bosses still have unbalanced weapons.

Offline Lunacy

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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #230 on: August 05, 2013, 01:27:52 am »
What about the huge engineer nests? It only takes 2-3 pills to destory 3 engineers and ALL of their buildings. Is that OP or simply the engineer's fault for bulding together on a boss like Cave?
Usually why I never play engi if I know it's going to be Cave Johnson (ie any sounds or speeches the bosses make before the round starts)

And you'll probably continue going on about it until you actually inform us of which bosses still have unbalanced weapons.
I'll see if I can make a list of all the +800% gun hales then.  So far I only remember gentlespy, femspy, (doctor who's infinite ammo), Duke Nukem, (maybe Ghost, dont remember his gun), (possibly bob the builder's pistol, dunno), Serious Sam, (forget if Joker gets a 800% revolver or not), (did Slimer get crossmap-killing shotgun too??also not sure), Chucky
And maybe Merasmus doesn't need to ubercharge if he's going to make everything around him burst into flames anyways.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 03:38:28 pm by Lunacy »
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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #231 on: August 05, 2013, 11:33:42 am »
add the stupid lemons in for his nades i want to kill people with lemons and this is what has been going on when i was gone for the weekend

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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #232 on: August 06, 2013, 04:38:04 pm »
so the skeleton hale has two bone saws and the damage is high i had four heads full hp and i died in a hit

Offline BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBoBo

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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #233 on: August 08, 2013, 09:09:17 am »
please nerf scp he is the most op hale out of all the hales we have
even more op then herobrian

Offline Lunacy

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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #234 on: August 08, 2013, 12:34:47 pm »
please nerf scp he is the most op hale out of all the hales we have
even more op then herobrian
I'd agree with at least 1 or 2 second stun after a teleport so the person teleported to has at least a chance to do SOMETHING.
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Offline BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBoBo

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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #235 on: August 08, 2013, 12:47:59 pm »
no make him fucking have damage pently or less hp cause he should really have 10k hp tops

Offline Propane

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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #236 on: August 08, 2013, 01:40:12 pm »
I think SCP is fine. If he is goomba'd/backstabbed each time with a teleport, SCP loses. We rarely see him lose because there's always someone who doesn't know how SCP works and shoots him.

Offline BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBoBo

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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #237 on: August 08, 2013, 02:02:30 pm »
scp is still op if u goomba him he needs less hp n less damage

Offline Propane

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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #238 on: August 08, 2013, 02:10:01 pm »
I have to disagree. Only thing I see that may make a few people happy is a slight stun when he teles, but I think he's fine as is. He'd be UP with less health

Offline BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBoBo

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Re: Boss Rotation
« Reply #239 on: August 08, 2013, 03:01:34 pm »
i seen him on other servers when maxed out he had 10k hp since he just tele spam and shit,
also the abe hale is not even nerfed at all yet still double jumps with attack speed fast and one hit kills demokngiths and heavies not overhealed