Taking screencaps and reporting them later is barely making a dent.
I dare ask where these reports are going as I haven't seen a single one.
I still don't believe the issue is as bad as anyone had described, even in the past before Luve and Glaceon were made admins. Sure, there will always be someone that joins the server and ghosts (possibly even unknowingly; there are players who haven't played prophunt and genuinely don't know what ghosting is), and then some regular will be quick to scream and yell at them about ghosting, and that will be it.
I see it time and time again while watching the server's chat: Player X joins, plays a little, ghosts, gets screamed at, and then learns their lesson. This is the case that I'd say happens most often, and that these aren't the kind of players at we need an admin reaction for.
What admins would be needed for is for players that blatantly ignore the warnings of someone yelling at them to stop ghosting, or players who join and purposely ghost through other means such as skype/steam/etc. These are the cases I see the least.