Author Topic: vsh_dr_trollrun - can't pass sacrafice door?  (Read 3265 times)

Offline Vincentor

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vsh_dr_trollrun - can't pass sacrafice door?
« on: July 23, 2015, 12:49:35 pm »
We encountered a bug where the sacrafice door wouldn't open on trollrun, even after sacraficing (?)

It never opened, so the round ended after the timer ran out. I'd assume that it's very rare, because I've never seen this happen before.

Offline VoiDeD

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Re: vsh_dr_trollrun - can't pass sacrafice door?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2015, 03:34:31 pm »
Yeah, I imagine bugs like this are fairly rare. Source has some really wild internal bugs that sometimes just breaks entity I/O in spectacular ways.

I mean we can likely solve this with a plugin to ensure the door always opens after X amount of time, but it'd only be worth it if it wasn't a rare occurrence.