Still many old bugs such as unable to use ubercharges unless you're a medic and not gaining
health from things like Dakolah's Bar and booties.
And just plain old items that haven't been updated in years such as the Reserve Shooter still only has 3 shots.
The new bugs I've seen are mostly just my weapon selection is different from what I actually have. For an entire round I had blautsauger, sandvich, and Claidheamh Mòr, where in reality I had much different items. Basically, my first loadout icons will be stuck there for the remainder of the match, no matter what I get. Also I was unable to reliably switch to the Panic Attack, I pretty much didn't even have a secondary since it did not want to let me switch to the panic attack.
Everything else seems fine.

Pretty much this thing affects me the most, as I'm not sure what weapons I have half the time, and it shows different weapons for my killer, Killed me with Iron Bomber, inspection shows Phlog.