Author Topic: Removal of area51  (Read 11689 times)

Offline Punishment_Fatal

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Re: Removal of area51
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2014, 01:57:11 am »
Basically my reaction when someone complains about a map and wanting to get it removed even after it's been in the rotation for a long time.

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Offline BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBoBo

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Re: Removal of area51
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2014, 06:31:42 am »
Like spot line reworked got replaced with other reworked then b8 got replaced with normal spotline

Offline 14grunt

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Re: Removal of area51
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2014, 01:50:06 pm »
Basically my reaction when someone complains about a map and wanting to get it removed even after it's been in the rotation for a long time.
So you think it is ok to have an easily troll-able trap on a map that can easily screw over an entire team? I seriously cannot believe so many people here are really defending this trap and are not wanting to do anything about it as if nothing is wrong. Seriously though, a single trap that can make quite easily make an entire team of 20 or more players lose is bad map design even if this it a feature. I'm not proposing to remove the ENTIRE map for this one trap, just to go in and fix it.

Offline Punishment_Fatal

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Re: Removal of area51
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2014, 05:54:40 pm »
So you think it is ok to have an easily troll-able trap on a map that can easily screw over an entire team? I seriously cannot believe so many people here are really defending this trap and are not wanting to do anything about it as if nothing is wrong. Seriously though, a single trap that can make quite easily make an entire team of 20 or more players lose is bad map design even if this it a feature. I'm not proposing to remove the ENTIRE map for this one trap, just to go in and fix it.
We've dealt with it for more than a year. Look at Badwater. We've had the map for a long time and can easily be hard because the platforms can mess up when 2 people go on it. Do people complain? No, not really. We've just learned to deal with the map and work our way around it. Besides, Knuckles already suggested a fix, so the only option of removing the map off the rotation because some people don't like it is no longer existent.

Usually around Trading Hell and Zombie Hell. Message me on Steam if you need something.

Offline 14grunt

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Re: Removal of area51
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2014, 05:59:28 pm »
We've dealt with it for more than a year. Look at Badwater. We've had the map for a long time and can easily be hard because the platforms can mess up when 2 people go on it. Do people complain? No, not really.
Those traps are hard because they actually take some skill to do, and even if 2 people get on it, it doesn't screw it up for the entire team. Also even if there is a way around it, I have seen it done only once when I was on the server and even then trolls can screw that up too. I still see NO point in keeping this trap.

Offline DMG

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Re: Removal of area51
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2014, 06:34:07 pm »
I'm a bit surprised people are defending the code door. The negatives about that door clearly outweigh what it should normally add to the map. Multiple people pay attention to the random code, post it clearly in chat, and then by the time we all get there... invariably someone ruins it. By accident or by fault, the wrong code is put in and that round is almost surely over. I know there's a workaround, where you can fix the door even after some idiot runs afoul. But that fix doesn't seem very straight forward.

I've never heard someone publicly explain how to reset the door. I've seen it happen every Blue Moon, just as I see people on Trollrun every while get past the "Sacrifice!" door without dying (I've even done it a few times to luck). I think that the solution to literally a round ending problem, should be more well known and should not be so vaguely known. This isn't a minor easter egg for a trail, a music box, it's literally a fix for the dumb consequences on the round for one person failing the trap. If you guys are really that adamant, then the very least that could be done is making it more public on how to fix the door. I haven't gone through much of these forums, so if it's posted somewhere here already in big bold text, then I'm sorry.

This is something that can, and should, be improved to facilitate a better experience for the Death Run players. If that's not the goal, then please tell me why pushing was disabled at many "problem areas" on maps like Wolfenstein, the Mario Maps near the beginning, etc. You could use the same argument for those! "Get better", "Stop Whining", etc. If we are going to be this tough on a major problem, then let's go back and revert much more minor changes that made maps "easy mode" hmm?