Voidy already made a post about this and this was planned. All play times for every single Saxton Hell player has been reset to make things more fair for the new players.Here are the details.http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SaxtonHell#announcements/detail/2145125758009842683
What was the thinking behind this? Where there actually a large number of people that complained that they weren't on a TOP 300 LIST?
Yeah this is dumb as shit.Regulars are now pissed of this, and the 'newbies' get to be higher?And I bet the old list is gone now too R.I.P - Best Players List
If the regulars truly played as much as they normally do then they have nothing to worry about. Also the playtime reset filters all the old people who retired from playing the server.
The top 5 players on the list hadn't played on the servers in over a month. Why do you people care about number so much.
Regulars are now pissed of this