Woah, did some huge falling out happen on the server last night??? I wasn't on but was just wondering whether this has been an idea for some time or one that really sparked last night?
I think the issue of rank is more to do with the players themselves. By no means will I name names here but certainly there are a few who engage in things like team-switching to blue each round to get kills, who talk as though they are the very best and everyone else should just bow down before them. Others who like to be at the very forefront of attention all the time etc. I find that while this is augmented by ranks, it's also got a lot to do with the ego of the person in question. Again, removing ranks might go some way to extinguishing this and may even deter the more 'troublesome' players from playing on the server.
However, now I sound as though I support removing ranks only to get rid of people on the server that tend to irritate me a bit - NO NO NO. (I think I speak for many when I talk about irritating people)
Although I think removing rank will be a good thing in returning prophunt to the more laid back and light hearted game that it was before, it is still a nice way of gauging ability for those who do try to play more legitimately the majority of the time.
My vote for now would have to be sitting on the fence at this time, I think we need a load more opinions before we can make any form of decision. Maybe adding the poll into the server for the time being like there are the votes for map likability/rating etc.
On the issue of propmenu - true, it is exploited. I guess I am guilty of this some of the time as well. If there was a way of keeping the 'fun' props and only allowing a selection of 3 normal props (which are randomly selected at the beginning of each round for each player) I think this would add for a bit more fun in terms of what people get. but if it does go to only fun props, there also needs to be an option for returning to the prop you were given because running for the whole map is tiring and sometimes players just want to have a bit of LOL time with players in blue spawn who cannot move yet.
I would support this change if it had the 3 randomly selected for each person idea implemented, but I am not sure at all if that is possible.
Above all else, return prop hunt to fun and remove the serious!