Author Topic: We all require two people to be banned in the deathrun server.  (Read 3679 times)

Offline jddebug

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We all require two people to be banned in the deathrun server.
« on: September 02, 2012, 02:29:05 am »
The entire deathrun server is having problems with the two players "successful troll" and "gamefreak521" holding rounds up longer than ten minutes in maps without motivators. I wish for them to be banned, we warned them and both asked nicely first then asked in a very undeniably hateful manner for them to stop. I am also slightly expecting more of the players in the server to make the same reports. I will say this exact same message in the group comments also. P.S. tell me if this is the right place for this sort of post.

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Re: We all require two people to be banned in the deathrun server.
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2012, 02:33:20 am »
You need to give the admins offerings such as they call "pics" or "video" if you do not then they will not listen to your little peasant affairs

Offline VoiDeD

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Re: We all require two people to be banned in the deathrun server.
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2012, 02:36:38 am »
Record a video/demo of this happening and we'll take action. Until then, not much we can do!

Offline jddebug

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Re: We all require two people to be banned in the deathrun server.
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2012, 02:37:07 am »
Oh and here is some of the chat, including some lines from the two.
*DEAD* [The Scrap Depot] Champion 172 :  this is why we need an admin.
*DEAD* Lamp :  YES
Player †Goldie† has joined the game
*DEAD* Lamp :  Get an admin and ban these holdups
*DEAD* [The Scrap Depot] Champion 172 :  HAHA time to publish on youtube xD somebody give me a good title for the vid?
 Successful Troll :  weee I`m having fun :D
*DEAD* gamefreak521 :  snipers T-bag spider
*DEAD* Lamp :  two idiot snipers fuck around wsting time on a dr server

Tell me if this is enough for proof. If not just ask a bunch of people about them. They have stopped by the time I have made this reply post, but they still should be warned to the point that they fear for their continued fun forever and never do this again.

Offline jddebug

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Re: We all require two people to be banned in the deathrun server.
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2012, 02:39:53 am »
Oh, well in the line of chat I posted, one player claims they made a video. I cannot do much besides screenshots and that is a bit too late now. If it happens again in the future I will do more to help with this.

Offline Punishment_Fatal

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Re: We all require two people to be banned in the deathrun server.
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2012, 02:44:28 am »
Actually you can. In your console you can type record (player name = you) to see the things that happened, and then press stop to use it. You can also try and try from there.

Usually around Trading Hell and Zombie Hell. Message me on Steam if you need something.

Offline Sakuya

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« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 11:40:04 am by Sakuya »