I think that ghostmode isn't the best idea for prophunt. As Glace said if you could make it so that you could pass through friend/foe still in the game and not show their name then I think it'll work. In that event only regs will be flying around and maybe staying at a prop for a second or two while they consider how the heck they are still alive.
I don't really get effected by ghosting TOO much in ph, and it only really annoys me when I know the spot should only really be know by regs and then I get spectated by a randomer and an even more random randomer flys up out of nowhere; spot ruined. Though points/rank don't matter.
InB4 Box says 'If it aint broke, don't ix it'
Honestly though I think in it's current state it's a NO from me, with some tweaks etc then possibly yes (noclip/no collisions/no sprays/not seeing ghosts of the other team etc) then I think it might be workable.
On another note though which is kinda related to this since ghostmode has brought up a hullabaloo about ghosting etc, why do I feel as though the admins care more about banning/punishing/on the lookout for those being friendly rather than those ghosting? A rethink is needed.
That is all.