Author Topic: Map bugs... Squish them! (Part 3)  (Read 3836 times)

Offline Baysick

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Map bugs... Squish them! (Part 3)
« on: September 02, 2013, 02:06:06 am »
Let me post the bugs first to make crab_f happy. Most of these aren't much to consider but this more so a couple week report on random things/bugs that do happen on the server. I reformatted the bug information so any bugs I thought takes no consideration and have no suggestions againts them I just stripped out so feel free to ignore those bugs. The most important bugs are at the top and for any moderators who don't like reading I separated them with the titles Important bugs and Unimportant bugs.

Important bugs

Map names: vsh_dr_horrors and vsh_dr_divinity_vfinal
Description- This occurs randomly but often. Saxton hale can kill players inside these mini-games. Players can defend themselves (attack hale) yes but it beats the purpose of the mini-game. This glitch happens almost always on the first round or in other words- has a very high chance of occurring first round. At least that's what I have been seeing to factor the odds of the glitch happening.
Now in the last screenshot you can see that a player on the same team has killed another teammate. This happens one hundred percent of the times even out of all mini-games but happens only during the end of a round so its nothing to worry about. (I am curious though. Is this a game update, server update, or neither?)
Consideration- low (since both red and blu teams have a chance at victory)
Suggestion(s)- none

All maps
Description- Visual/sound glitch.
Now with the new update of the 3D in game H.U.D. you can now see that players who have the high-five taunt equipped they will see this soldier continuously emulating the high five animation (with sounds related to the class high-five  >:( ). This glitch WILL occur (as in 100% chance when equiped with a high five taunt with 3D H.U.D.)
Consideration- low
Suggestions(s)- (This goes for players not admins) You can disable the 3D option under advanced options in the main menu, don't equip the high five taunt, or just turn down your sound through your own computer if the animation or sounds distract you.

Map name- vsh_dr_horrors
Description- Player exploit
In the very first trap we (almost) always have people who would try to jump on to the tiny televisions on the side of the trap in order to get out (first two screenshots).
Consideration- moderate
Suggestion(s)- At first I though demos could easily caber out but I never see that happening. It's usually pyros and heavies jumping out. With that in mind I think you could just zone the top of the trap so the heavy can stand on the frames of the trap as shown in the last two screenshots.

Map name- vsh_dr_slay_b5
Description- Player exploit
All you need is a heavy and a chocolate bar. You can continuously eat the chocolate bar and unfortunately the heavy can regain health faster then the trap can kill you. The motivator will pass you and cannot kill you. This glitch can cause the round to continue forever.
Consideration- Very High
Suggestion(s)- Get the trap to kill players faster so I think you know what to do.

Unimportant bugs

Map name- vsh_dr_timetravel_fix
Description- Visual glitch. Two other traps on the same map had very bad visual glitches but it only occurred one round. Also no i could not move past that broken gate as the physical wall was still there.

Map name- vsh_dr_horrors
Description- The other side of the cage trap. Yeah it doesn't prevent the red team from advancing. The only thing it prevents are any players who get caught within the trap from dying.

Map name- vsh_dr_darkwoods_b1
Description- So These first three traps are kinda weird. On the very first platform there would be a person who would go into a high-five stance and causing the first platform to get stuck. People who would jump onto the platform would just get flung off.
The other two platforms are a personal favorite exploit of mine. I would jump onto the second or third platform and go into a high five stance. When the hale activates the trap I would start spinning continuously. Players would also get forced off the platform. This glitch can continue indefinitely. (Sorry I don't have a screenshot for the next two platforms. I didn't think it would matter anyways because all platforms needs a display of motion for me to report it properly)
Consideration- low
Suggestion(s)- Disable taunting?

Map name- vsh_dr_tonnel_v2
Description- This happens at completely random times but its fairly uncommon. This trap normally sucks players in but sometimes it opens and never closes. During the glitch it will try to grab people and the first one or two people who enters it dies. If there is no one in the radius of the trap during the activation then it the trap will attempt to pull in the first person who runs into the trap but only making them hit the side of the wall just barley out of the trap. As you can see in the second picture I can stand directly outside the trap without it pulling me in. Yes players can enter the trap and yes they will be killed upon doing so. (information of this trap glitch may vary)

Map name- vsh_dr_aconian_final2
Description- Fourth trap. I was teleported to the area I was supposed to get killed in but directly outside. I was also unable to move and the motivator didn't kill me. After a long time I was the last one alive yet something killed me so I guess this isn't much to report since it only happened one time.

Map name- vsh_dr_woods_b5
Description- This is an area/pit right below the elevator in the beginning right after the fire trap. It turns out if you position yourself correctly right under the elevator before it starts to go down you can can become stuck. Now its very rare that people get stuck under there but it happens.
Consideration- minuscule
Suggestion(s)- I wonder if you can make it were if people enter a specific area they get transported to another area. This would help people who have no idea what a console is (to kill themselves)  get back to the map grounds. You could just zone the area if not so that the map time is preserved.

Ugh, I thought I solved this next one.

Map name- vsh_dr_winterhill_beta2
Description- The zone works yes but players still continue to try to exploit this area. There would be a (or several considering the early stage of the map) medic healing the player(s) that try to keep the platform from going back up. Sometimes if that ever happens the platform would stay stuck (which is pretty much the real threat) as it does in this screenshot. This is an uncommon occurance so I thought I put it under "Unimportant bugs".
Consideration- moderate
Suggestion(s)- Can't think of one. Limited ammo and flawed aiming is what keeps this less of a threat.


Now there were other bugs that I could mention related to vsh_dr_safety_first_final but the map update... Voided... Them. Anyways I do have other glitches but I decided to leave them out as they where just to unimportant or not even worth mentioning.

Another problem related to the forms is that I cannot see the picture I uploaded specifically with Saxton hell. I only see the picture related to my Steam profile. I also see only Steam profile pictures for others and when I click to view that player Saxton Hell profile I see there Saxton Hell picture and not their  Steam picture. I am not sure if this is just me or if its happening with everyone. To clarify if I go to a post and look to the left under "Author" I (am supposed to) see their Steam picture and if I click on that picture I see the picture they uploaded for Saxton Hell. Either thats intentional for all players who link their Steam accounts with, it's a bug, or it's just me. Honestly I wish I could have my Steam picture separate from my Saxton Hell picture if it is intentional which is why I brought it up. (You probably might not notice but some people have their Steam picture exactly like like their Saxton hell picture). Also why is it that players cannot see donators Steam profile picture when opening the display here.

Player grief has been the only other server problem. When is Luvedragon coming back I miss her  :'(

This may be my last bug report. Most of the considerable bugs have been corrected so my future posts would most likely be on map criticism as to how players respond to map rotation, traps, difficulty, rating, and other junk if I am not to lazy. I will however still report any bugs that are of a high threat to the server just not in a large package like this one.

I found this lovely picture of Voidy whenever he find a bug or a player disrespecting the rules :3
Make that your spray Voidy^
$@xt0n H3LL 4 L1f3

Offline VoiDeD

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Re: Map bugs... Squish them! (Part 3)
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2013, 07:25:32 pm »
Map names: vsh_dr_horrors and vsh_dr_divinity_vfinal
Description- This occurs randomly but often. Saxton hale can kill players inside these mini-games. Players can defend themselves (attack hale) yes but it beats the purpose of the mini-game. This glitch happens almost always on the first round or in other words- has a very high chance of occurring first round. At least that's what I have been seeing to factor the odds of the glitch happening.
Now in the last screenshot you can see that a player on the same team has killed another teammate. This happens one hundred percent of the times even out of all mini-games but happens only during the end of a round so its nothing to worry about. (I am curious though. Is this a game update, server update, or neither?)
Consideration- low (since both red and blu teams have a chance at victory)
Suggestion(s)- none

I've attempted to fix this bug a few times but I've had no luck. We have a plugin that prevents players from attacking during minigame portions of some maps, but as you mentioned sometimes it doesn't trigger. I've been unable to reproduce this on my test server over many attempts so I've honestly given up on this one. I don't quite understand why it sometimes works and sometimes does not.

All maps
Description- Visual/sound glitch.
Now with the new update of the 3D in game H.U.D. you can now see that players who have the high-five taunt equipped they will see this soldier continuously emulating the high five animation (with sounds related to the class high-five  >:( ). This glitch WILL occur (as in 100% chance when equiped with a high five taunt with 3D H.U.D.)
Consideration- low
Suggestions(s)- (This goes for players not admins) You can disable the 3D option under advanced options in the main menu, don't equip the high five taunt, or just turn down your sound through your own computer if the animation or sounds distract you.

I've experienced this as well. It's something better reported to Valve.

Map name- vsh_dr_horrors
Description- Player exploit
In the very first trap we (almost) always have people who would try to jump on to the tiny televisions on the side of the trap in order to get out (first two screenshots).
Consideration- moderate
Suggestion(s)- At first I though demos could easily caber out but I never see that happening. It's usually pyros and heavies jumping out. With that in mind I think you could just zone the top of the trap so the heavy can stand on the frames of the trap as shown in the last two screenshots.


Map name- vsh_dr_slay_b5
Description- Player exploit
All you need is a heavy and a chocolate bar. You can continuously eat the chocolate bar and unfortunately the heavy can regain health faster then the trap can kill you. The motivator will pass you and cannot kill you. This glitch can cause the round to continue forever.
Consideration- Very High
Suggestion(s)- Get the trap to kill players faster so I think you know what to do.

Instead of changing just this trap, I've made the dalokohs bar behave like a sandvich, so that that cooldown time before you can eat it again.

Map name- vsh_dr_darkwoods_b1
Description- So These first three traps are kinda weird. On the very first platform there would be a person who would go into a high-five stance and causing the first platform to get stuck. People who would jump onto the platform would just get flung off.
The other two platforms are a personal favorite exploit of mine. I would jump onto the second or third platform and go into a high five stance. When the hale activates the trap I would start spinning continuously. Players would also get forced off the platform. This glitch can continue indefinitely. (Sorry I don't have a screenshot for the next two platforms. I didn't think it would matter anyways because all platforms needs a display of motion for me to report it properly)
Consideration- low
Suggestion(s)- Disable taunting?

Disabling taunting is a nontrivial problem. The second and third platforms should eventually stop spinning so it shouldn't be too much of an issue for people to pass.

Map name- vsh_dr_aconian_final2
Description- Fourth trap. I was teleported to the area I was supposed to get killed in but directly outside. I was also unable to move and the motivator didn't kill me. After a long time I was the last one alive yet something killed me so I guess this isn't much to report since it only happened one time.

If this one happens often enough it may be worth placing some zones around the area where you're meant to be teleported to. Odd that this even happens in the first place though.

Map name- vsh_dr_woods_b5
Description- This is an area/pit right below the elevator in the beginning right after the fire trap. It turns out if you position yourself correctly right under the elevator before it starts to go down you can can become stuck. Now its very rare that people get stuck under there but it happens.
Consideration- minuscule
Suggestion(s)- I wonder if you can make it were if people enter a specific area they get transported to another area. This would help people who have no idea what a console is (to kill themselves)  get back to the map grounds. You could just zone the area if not so that the map time is preserved.

That area is a little too small to solve with a teleport or a zone.

Map name- vsh_dr_winterhill_beta2
Description- The zone works yes but players still continue to try to exploit this area. There would be a (or several considering the early stage of the map) medic healing the player(s) that try to keep the platform from going back up. Sometimes if that ever happens the platform would stay stuck (which is pretty much the real threat) as it does in this screenshot. This is an uncommon occurance so I thought I put it under "Unimportant bugs".
Consideration- moderate
Suggestion(s)- Can't think of one. Limited ammo and flawed aiming is what keeps this less of a threat.

I've increased the damage of the zone that's placed there, hopefully that'll keep players from being healed faster than they're damaged.

Another problem related to the forms is that I cannot see the picture I uploaded specifically with Saxton hell. I only see the picture related to my Steam profile. I also see only Steam profile pictures for others and when I click to view that player Saxton Hell profile I see there Saxton Hell picture and not their  Steam picture. I am not sure if this is just me or if its happening with everyone. To clarify if I go to a post and look to the left under "Author" I (am supposed to) see their Steam picture and if I click on that picture I see the picture they uploaded for Saxton Hell. Either thats intentional for all players who link their Steam accounts with, it's a bug, or it's just me. Honestly I wish I could have my Steam picture separate from my Saxton Hell picture if it is intentional which is why I brought it up. (You probably might not notice but some people have their Steam picture exactly like like their Saxton hell picture).

The forums will display your steam avatar if your forum account is configured with a SteamID, this is all by design.

Also why is it that players cannot see donators Steam profile picture when opening the display here.

Side effect of our tail plugin.