Author Topic: Map bugs...Squish them! (Part 2)  (Read 4333 times)

Offline Baysick

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Map bugs...Squish them! (Part 2)
« on: August 09, 2013, 12:01:22 am »
My post right before this one was just completely random only to show off some weird things I just happened to noticed. This next post will be more formal with a slightly better format in an attempt to correct the Steam picture links which just so happens to be a bug founded when trying to report bugs. Ironic right?

So apparently my good friend Knucklejoe went around fixing my posts and the bugs I posted previously where fixed so thanks Joe. After noticing that some of the bugs from my previous post has been corrected I think its time to continue fixing my house (DR server #1). I am going to try posting the links in a very slightly different way and see if it corrects this error.

First of all I must say I am sorry I did not respond to your comments from the previous bug post and I will try to respond to them sooner under the same thread Voidy. For now I will respond to the comments here in addition to adding new bugs I found. I will also respond to any comments you may have for any current problems.


* I fixed my improper grammar and I apologize for it.

Quote from: Baysick on July 16, 2013, 10:54:26 pm
Baysick- People were stuck inside it instead of getting killing because the platform was supposed to squish them
VoiDeD- I've added a kill zone that activates when this trap is used, it should kill people when the trap doesn't now.
Response- Great thanks.

Quote from: Baysick on July 16, 2013, 10:54:26 pm
Baysick- The door was stuck open. Luckily it didn't keep sucking in people which is why a large group is sitting right in front of it.
VoiDeD- I think this is harmless, as the motivator will kill anyone who sticks around there.
Response- That is fine. This glitch only occurred once during my presence in DR #1. I will be posting anything that I consider to be a mention-able glitch.

Quote from: Baysick on July 16, 2013, 10:54:26 pm
Baysick- Hale was supposed to get kicked down a well in instead got flung behind the sniper....In other words the round could literally last forever (at least if humans had that kind of the round ended pretty quickly at that time)
VoiDeD- How often does this happen? If it's a rare occurrence I'd say that the timer solves this.
Response- I have seen this happen only two times and I thought the timer was stopped upon entering the humiliation option at the end of the map. I must be mistaken.

Quote from: Baysick on July 16, 2013, 10:54:26 pm
Baysick- Now this one also need attention and I can address this freely because it can and WILL always be exploited...DR Mario...The B hop mini-game can be exploited by ghosts because ghosts can cause the platforms to fall before the player has a chance to jump on them. I have seen the ghosts just sitting in one spot and not even moving or in other words not even putting effort to force the platforms down. This exploit also effects the hale and can cause both the red team and the hale to wait (waste time) until the timer runs out. my suggestion here is to remove ghosts on the DR mario maps.
VoiDeD- This issue exists in more maps than just mario, but I'm still looking for a way to solve this without entirely disabling ghosts.
Response- I can't understand how ghosts are able to interact with the map like this as they do to map walls (patched areas). Another suggestion I have is to have the ghosts spawn slightly above the platforms and patch and area so that they cannot pass it just like map walls but keep it high enough for the players alive to be able to jump at full height and make sure the ghosts can't teleport to an alive player during the b-hop mini-game assuming you can alter the map in such a way. Keep in mind that this problem can effect both the Hale and the red team. This is only a second suggestion and I am open to any other ideas you can find.

Quote from: Baysick on July 16, 2013, 10:54:26 pm
Baysick- This is a minor glitch that happened only once. The hale can trigger a trap which causes smoke to appear from the small platform and collapses a small portion of it...When the trap was over the small part was still missing and stayed like that instead of just reappearing.
VoiDeD- Another Valve issue. Not much I can do about this.
Response- I understand. Besides its just a minor glitch that doesn't even prevent the runners from advancing through the map.

Quote from: Baysick on July 16, 2013, 10:54:26 pm
Baysick- Now this one aggravates me personally and also needs attention...DR Bandicoot is a great map and the trap fit its theme very well but even though it still has problems. Now see the large group of people there? Normally that many people wouldn't be there because it takes time to platform across the spikes. In this glitch the second pillar is stuck and people are trying to get it open. Now the problem is that this reoccurs and the pillar that gets stuck is random.
VoiDeD- How often does this occur? Is there anything specific that causes it to get stuck, or is it stuck right when the round begins?
Response- I see this happening once to three times every two weeks but of course bugs like this can happen at anytime and varies considering the map rotation is changed based on the server. In other word this glitch is considerable as it completely stops all players from advancing through the map and always occurred before a single player gets to it but happens fairly rarely.

Questioned statements

VoiDeD- Feel free to report more broken stuff!
Baysick- REALLY?... I don't wanna be the guy that says "Here is a bunch problems" and dump them on you until I went back to my other bugged posts and saw you said this...

luvedragon- These things can't get fixed if no one says anything.
Baysick- I am a guest of Saxton Hell. Must I really take the responsibility of an admin because in my point of view it is an admins job to monitor the server and correct the problems. I guess the general public is forced to deal with them.

VoiDeD- My position in Saxton Hell is "Director of Fixing That Shit", so please report anything and everything that's broken.
(This comment is to agree with luvedragon)
Baysick- As the head admin of the entire Steam community I would think your position would be "Overseer of all problems at all times". But seeing how you are only one person I guess a random person on the internet such as me would help you out at times when you cannot attended or are not present to an issue at that moment.  I am also looking at the words "anything" and "everything" and I will do so since you said "please" and for the fact I nearly live on DR #1 and sometimes I just cannot stand constant issues. I will report any problems I find every few weeks.

These responses are not meant to provoke any negative statements and are mostly opinions so feel free to take them lightly.


I didn't think this post could even get this large wow. These next few bugs are just visual glitches and player exploits I thought would be somewhat considerable to report. I am very sorry if these links cause the characters in this post to disappear.

This is player exploited where if you time it correctly then you can get stuck right outside of the trap but behind a map patched area. Minor trap that can be solved when the timer runs out.
consideration- minimum
suggested action(s)- Make the area slay the player(s) that gets stuck after the trap is set off to save time. Other then that I think you can ignore this one.

All maps
All of these pictures is the same exact glitch. I was only trying to get a clear picture to make the appearance of the glitch more obvious so you do not need to look at all of the pictures but the last two (at least to me) seems to stand out the most. This is an animation glitch that happens very often (as in a minimum of five times a week) with players who have the 'high five' taunt equipped. Players effected by the glitch can move around and change weapons but their player model is visually effected.
consideration- Minimum. I think this glitch is very hilarious when it looks like a statue is jumping over a thing that is trying to kill them. I ask that you do not remove this problem but in the end you are the one that decides what to do with it.
suggested action(s)- I don't want to suggest anything against this nor do I even have a plan against it ATM.

Players would run into the door while it is closing would force the door back open while the trap takes effect.
consideration- minimum
suggested actions- None as anyone who tries to enter the trap will still get killed.
There is a patched area there. I heard along time ago that this glitch was created when the map creator tried to change the map to fit T.F.2 as it is a map that had a transition from Garry's Mod. Now its been there for months and I thought that someone might as well mention it. Some people think that its an easter egg. I honestly don't know what it is.
consideration- Moderate- This glitch allows players to gain an advantage over hale. The runners can avoid (up to) seven traps if they know about this glitch.
suggested action(s)- You can either try to remove this bug or at something to kill players upon contact with it.

This trap never kills anyone. NEVER.
consideration- moderate
suggested action(s)- I think you know what to do.

All maps
Yeah its still happening. Pieces of cloths floating in mid air. This does effect either runner or Hale so you can leave it off for now or even ignore it completly.
consideration- minimum
suggested action(s)- none

This is a player exploit where a player will try to jump on the end of the trap (connected to the wall) and sit there. The trap will be stuck and all players behind is forced to wait until the player moves out of the way.
consideration- High
suggested action(s)- Have that very little strip the players use to exploit kill them upon contact.

I don't need to describe this problem as it is stated on the MOTD and Saxton Hell's website.
consideration- Very High
suggested action(s)- Increased server moderation.
(I ask that admins ignore this statement) One of the biggest problems in Saxton Hell DR and in most other DR severs out of Saxton Hell is what we players commonly refer to as "platform trolling". I don't care if you are a fellow of my brony faction, a friend of mine, furry, christian or anything else. All players are welcomed to play Saxton Hell and nobody is to disrespect the server rules please. I do not say this to provoke any negative statements but to warn my fellow players that you can become punished if you don't follow the rules. It is after all our responsibility to be familiar with them.

Well that is the last of them. Sorry it took so long but I think it is better to post this way from now on because I was going to make one post per bug but this seems to be more.... Proper. Anyways I will respond to any questions/comments much more sooner then the last one and under the same post thread. If you have any suggestions on how I should post these bugs or if there is any specific bugs you want me to keep an eye out then please tell me and I will hunt it down or change my posting format. If none of the links above work then copy the url and past it into a browser. Luvedragon has had an extended absence and I have only seen her once yesterday for the first time in thirty days. I understand she has issues with her internet from what I heard right? Don't worry ill be here to watch over the server until you return. I cannot wait until you come back because the server misses you.

Thanks for taking the time to at least read the whole thing and again a special thanks to Knucklejoe for fixing my previous posts. If it wasn't for him I would have stopped posting problems forever.
$@xt0n H3LL 4 L1f3

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Re: Map bugs...Squish them! (Part 2)
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2013, 05:05:55 am »
it took me a second to realize the first half of that post was useless and everything that's necessary is at the bottom half


Offline VoiDeD

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Re: Map bugs...Squish them! (Part 2)
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2013, 05:30:46 am »
Quote from: Baysick on July 16, 2013, 10:54:26 pm
Baysick- Hale was supposed to get kicked down a well in instead got flung behind the sniper....In other words the round could literally last forever (at least if humans had that kind of the round ended pretty quickly at that time)
VoiDeD- How often does this happen? If it's a rare occurrence I'd say that the timer solves this.
Response- I have seen this happen only two times and I thought the timer was stopped upon entering the humiliation option at the end of the map. I must be mistaken.

Well, in the screenshot I see the timer is still visible so I assume it's still running.

Quote from: Baysick on July 16, 2013, 10:54:26 pm
Baysick- There is also a problem with the floor break mini-game I somehow self taught myself that I will only address to Voidy himself just to make sure no one else learns of and exploits this glitch
VoiDeD- Feel free to PM me the details of how it's done.
Response- I tried re-simulating this player exploit and I cannot reproduce it. The only other concern if if I may ask that you turn off taunting in mini-games such as this one because players can stun the hale in place and/or kill him in the process. This may seem to be a thing to ignore because taunt also risks the player's life who taunts during the mini-game but can generally be successful at killing the Hale when around ten or more players who may choose to be pyros or spies try to force the Hale into broken floor by with the fire-blast taunt as pyro while wielding a shotgun or pushing him with the end stab of a spy's stab taunt. I will try to bring screenshots of this whenever I can before I go into more detail but for now what I am generally try saying is that there is still a problem with most 'floor break' mini-games.

Disabling taunting is actually a non-trivial problem for server plugins, but I'll look into some options.

Quote from: Baysick on July 16, 2013, 10:54:26 pm
Baysick- Now this one also need attention and I can address this freely because it can and WILL always be exploited...DR Mario...The B hop mini-game can be exploited by ghosts because ghosts can cause the platforms to fall before the player has a chance to jump on them. I have seen the ghosts just sitting in one spot and not even moving or in other words not even putting effort to force the platforms down. This exploit also effects the hale and can cause both the red team and the hale to wait (waste time) until the timer runs out. my suggestion here is to remove ghosts on the DR mario maps.
VoiDeD- This issue exists in more maps than just mario, but I'm still looking for a way to solve this without entirely disabling ghosts.
Response- I can't understand how ghosts are able to interact with the map like this as they do to map walls (patched areas). Another suggestion I have is to have the ghosts spawn slightly above the platforms and patch and area so that they cannot pass it just like map walls but keep it high enough for the players alive to be able to jump at full height and make sure the ghosts can't teleport to an alive player during the b-hop mini-game assuming you can alter the map in such a way. Keep in mind that this problem can effect both the Hale and the red team. This is only a second suggestion and I am open to any other ideas you can find.

The problem is that this isn't easy to solve. With only server plugins, it's not possible to create physical walls that prevent players (and even more so it would only affect certain players) so the only options are workarounds that I'm still juggling as the proper way to do this.

Quote from: Baysick on July 16, 2013, 10:54:26 pm
Baysick- Now this one aggravates me personally and also needs attention...DR Bandicoot is a great map and the trap fit its theme very well but even though it still has problems. Now see the large group of people there? Normally that many people wouldn't be there because it takes time to platform across the spikes. In this glitch the second pillar is stuck and people are trying to get it open. Now the problem is that this reoccurs and the pillar that gets stuck is random.
VoiDeD- How often does this occur? Is there anything specific that causes it to get stuck, or is it stuck right when the round begins?
Response- I see this happening once to three times every two weeks but of course bugs like this can happen at anytime and varies considering the map rotation is changed based on the server. In other word this glitch is considerable as it completely stops all players from advancing through the map and always occurred before a single player gets to it but happens fairly rarely.

I'll need to think of some ideas to solve this. One option: remove the trap entirely. For that to be considered though, it would be useful to know if that trap is even useful to Hale. Does it often kill players? If not, removing it would be a good option. Another option is to have the trap be removed automatically after X amount of seconds.

VoiDeD- Feel free to report more broken stuff!
Baysick- REALLY?... I don't wanna be the guy that says "Here is a bunch problems" and dump them on you until I went back to my other bugged posts and saw you said this...

It's perfectly fine to be that guy. As a comparison: it's common in the software development field for users to report bugs and issues to the developers in other to improve their product. No much different here; our servers/maps/plugins are our "software", and the players who play on our servers are the "users".

luvedragon- These things can't get fixed if no one says anything.
Baysick- I am a guest of Saxton Hell. Must I really take the responsibility of an admin because in my point of view it is an admins job to monitor the server and correct the problems. I guess the general public is forced to deal with them.

When you consider just how many combinations of maps, players, and situations that induce bugs, it's not realistic to believe that our admins can find every issue even if they were present on the servers more often. When you multiply 12 servers by an average of 78 maps per server by the number of players in the servers by all the possible places they could be in the map or the actions they take, you get a mind numbing idea of how much someone would need to track.

This is player exploited where if you time it correctly then you can get stuck right outside of the trap but behind a map patched area. Minor trap that can be solved when the timer runs out.
consideration- minimum
suggested action(s)- Make the area slay the player(s) that gets stuck after the trap is set off to save time. Other then that I think you can ignore this one.


All maps
All of these pictures is the same exact glitch. I was only trying to get a clear picture to make the appearance of the glitch more obvious so you do not need to look at all of the pictures but the last two (at least to me) seems to stand out the most. This is an animation glitch that happens very often (as in a minimum of five times a week) with players who have the 'high five' taunt equipped. Players effected by the glitch can move around and change weapons but their player model is visually effected.
consideration- Minimum. I think this glitch is very hilarious when it looks like a statue is jumping over a thing that is trying to kill them. I ask that you do not remove this problem but in the end you are the one that decides what to do with it.
suggested action(s)- I don't want to suggest anything against this nor do I even have a plan against it ATM.

There is a patched area there. I heard along time ago that this glitch was created when the map creator tried to change the map to fit T.F.2 as it is a map that had a transition from Garry's Mod. Now its been there for months and I thought that someone might as well mention it. Some people think that its an easter egg. I honestly don't know what it is.
consideration- Moderate- This glitch allows players to gain an advantage over hale. The runners can avoid (up to) seven traps if they know about this glitch.
suggested action(s)- You can either try to remove this bug or at something to kill players upon contact with it.

This was discussed shortly here, but as a risk/reward type easter egg, I figured I'd let stay. However, I am concerned about the second screenshot. Is it possible to jump from there to over where the other heavy is?

This trap never kills anyone. NEVER.
consideration- moderate
suggested action(s)- I think you know what to do.

Added a zone to this trap, it should kill people now.

This is a player exploit where a player will try to jump on the end of the trap (connected to the wall) and sit there. The trap will be stuck and all players behind is forced to wait until the player moves out of the way.
consideration- High
suggested action(s)- Have that very little strip the players use to exploit kill them upon contact.

I actually fixed this a few days ago by placing a zone there, so it shouldn't be an issue anymore.

I don't need to describe this problem as it is stated on the MOTD and Saxton Hell's website.
consideration- Very High
suggested action(s)- Increased server moderation.

Provide demos of people platform trolling and we'll take care of it.

if there is any specific bugs you want me to keep an eye out then please tell me and I will hunt it down

Highest priority goes to game breaking issues, or anything players can use to drag the round along.For instance: after the office minigame a player could drag the round along by not activating the button that kills Hale. (This has been fixed recently, but it's the kind of bug that I'm most interested in fixing.)

Offline BLAKUboy

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Re: Map bugs...Squish them! (Part 2)
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2013, 10:07:51 am »
I am a guest of Saxton Hell. Must I really take the responsibility of an admin because in my point of view it is an admins job to monitor the server and correct the problems. I guess the general public is forced to deal with them.
The best way to beta test a video game is to just release it. Because the players will break the game wide open to the point every little bad line of code will be exploited until they can beat the entire game in 5 minutes. Same thing here.
I am totally the prettiest girl on the Prop Hunt server.
#PrettiestGirl2013 #SoTryhard

Offline Baysick

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Re: Map bugs...Squish them! (Part 2)
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2013, 07:35:30 pm »
Awesome job dealing with the problems. Now in the process of making an extraneously large post it seems I have left out one glitch and prefer not to wait until my next update with server issues.

Remember how there are supposed to be stairs here? Well after the trap is triggered that causes the stairs to move into the wall a player can try to block it inside of the wall. This wastes time and can (usually does) hold back the entire red team
consideration- moderate
suggested action(s)- Zones seem to be the general way to stop players from exploiting maps in matters similar.

Other then that I have responses to "some" comments regarding my initial post on this thread.
VoiDeD-"Well, in the screenshot I see the timer is still visible so I assume it's still running."

Yeah normally it would disappear upon entering humiliation.
VoiDeD- "The problem is that this isn't easy to solve. With only server plugins, it's not possible to create physical walls that prevent players (and even more so it would only affect certain players) so the only options are workarounds that I'm still juggling as the proper way to do this."

Darn. Well the only thing I can say for now is to make the b-hop mini-game unplayable considering the "passive" exploit due to the ghost pug-in.
VoiDeD- "I'll need to think of some ideas to solve this. One option: remove the trap entirely. For that to be considered though, it would be useful to know if that trap is even useful to Hale. Does it often kill players? If not, removing it would be a good option. Another option is to have the trap be removed automatically after X amount of seconds."

If an occasional problem such as this occurs more in the future I would consider it.
VoiDeD- "Fixed!"

VoiDeD- "This was discussed shortly here, but as a risk/reward type easter egg, I figured I'd let stay. However, I am concerned about the second screenshot. Is it possible to jump from there to over where the other heavy is?"

Yes the heavy can jump over there from where he is... Even if the bridge trap (after the mine cart trap) is not set off a player can avoid several traps all in two jumps. It is the reason I brought it to your attention. I after all did say
"This glitch allows players to gain an advantage over hale. The runners can avoid (up to) seven traps if they know about this glitch."
Now my suggested action was to "zone" the easter egg but considering the newcomers have interest in the egg and it is a unique feature of the map then I would suggest you "zone" the area between the bridge and the egg. This would allow players to still jump on the patched area but not avoid a large portion of traps.
When you said ""This was discussed shortly here, but as a risk/reward type easter egg" the risk/reward for runners is taking a large shortcut in the map.

"it took me a second to realize the first half of that post was useless and everything that's necessary is at the bottom half


Response- If you actually did read the post the im pretty sure somewhere in the beginning I mentioned that I would respond to the questions Voidy had in concern for the previous map bugs I posted as I had just did in this response. After that I would respond to comments concerning why I player should monitor a server and then present the new problems related to the server.

The best way to beta test a video game is to just release it. Because the players will break the game wide open to the point every little bad line of code will be exploited until they can beat the entire game in 5 minutes. Same thing here.

Yeah I kinda got that when this was mentioned...

VoiDeD- It's perfectly fine to be that guy. As a comparison: it's common in the software development field for users to report bugs and issues to the developers in other to improve their product. No much different here; our servers/maps/plugins are our "software", and the players who play on our servers are the "users".

My actual response to BLAKUboy-

Luvedragon isn't on so that means
$@xt0n H3LL 4 L1f3

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Re: Map bugs...Squish them! (Part 2)
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2013, 08:55:35 pm »
If you actually did read the post the im pretty sure somewhere in the beginning I mentioned that I would respond to the questions Voidy had in concern for the previous map bugs I posted as I had just did in this response. After that I would respond to comments concerning why I player should monitor a server and then present the new problems related to the server.
i did read it (well, at least the introduction) but i guess i missed "First of all I must say I am sorry I did not respond to your comments from the previous bug post and I will try to respond to them sooner under the same thread Voidy."
i still think that it'd be better if you put the pressing issue at the top where most people would see it first, but if you think your layout is better then feel free to ignore me

Offline VoiDeD

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Re: Map bugs...Squish them! (Part 2)
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2013, 03:00:36 am »
Remember how there are supposed to be stairs here? Well after the trap is triggered that causes the stairs to move into the wall a player can try to block it inside of the wall. This wastes time and can (usually does) hold back the entire red team
consideration- moderate
suggested action(s)- Zones seem to be the general way to stop players from exploiting maps in matters similar.

VoiDeD-"Well, in the screenshot I see the timer is still visible so I assume it's still running."

Yeah normally it would disappear upon entering humiliation.

That's the case in some maps, in vsh_dr_block_v4 however the timer will continue running.
VoiDeD- "This was discussed shortly here, but as a risk/reward type easter egg, I figured I'd let stay. However, I am concerned about the second screenshot. Is it possible to jump from there to over where the other heavy is?"

Yes the heavy can jump over there from where he is... Even if the bridge trap (after the mine cart trap) is not set off a player can avoid several traps all in two jumps. It is the reason I brought it to your attention. I after all did say
"This glitch allows players to gain an advantage over hale. The runners can avoid (up to) seven traps if they know about this glitch."
Now my suggested action was to "zone" the easter egg but considering the newcomers have interest in the egg and it is a unique feature of the map then I would suggest you "zone" the area between the bridge and the egg. This would allow players to still jump on the patched area but not avoid a large portion of traps.
When you said ""This was discussed shortly here, but as a risk/reward type easter egg" the risk/reward for runners is taking a large shortcut in the map.

I've gone with your suggestion and placed a zone between the bridge and the invisible platforms.