Hello, I am here to report mr. g0mba troll. Here's his profile link:
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073160236 . He has been accused of raffling off an item, and then giving it to a friend. This friend's name was Itachu Uchiha. The buy-in was a scrap. There were 3 witnesses that are common to the Trading Hell server that were there at the event. These 3 were Whacks, Little Snow Bunny, and Pain-and-Gigglez. Here is the event of the raffle:
http://www.mediafire.com/?469m7gmil8wmetk . This is a picture of his friend's list:
http://puu.sh/2exbG , of which I want to specifically point out the 5th friend on the list. Right after he announced the winner, I looked at his profile and saw none other than Itachu who was on his friends list. This is all the evidence I could get, but personal testimonies from the 3 witnesses I have provided can also be made for just in case you need more proof.