So, the screenshots were uploaded, feel free to view the 26 that were taken of the beginning of the chat here: what it looks like, you were upset because of godmoders killing you, which has a tendency to set off regulars of trade (since godmode is a perk in trade for those who've donated, and because its a trading server and not any sort of actual gameplay, there's no real reason to get upset. Join another trading server that doesn't allow godmode, or play an actual game). Also looks like you were rejoining under different names to try and be rude without them knowing it was you, which follows what two other players said who were on at the time.
So, unless there's any hidden information somewhere (though, the screenshots check out with Nyx's and two other people's counts of what happened), gonna have to say you're out of luck on this. Perhaps next time, don't be rude yourself. As well as this, this is a warning for you to not overspam other people if you were indeed doing so. As there's no physical proof of this, and just word of three people, this is only a warning. If there is proof in the future, you will receive a voiceban for that.