Author Topic: My experience on Chronic: Potential Concerns  (Read 1833 times)

Offline Protocol

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My experience on Chronic: Potential Concerns
« on: June 02, 2014, 05:51:55 pm »
Hello everyone, so lately there have been some talks about !solo and how it would potentially be implemented into DBHell. Before we go through with this I would like to address some potential concerns having been an Admin back on Chronic. WHILE I admit I was an AVID user of all of the Chronic features (because they were awesome!) they were also a big issue which caused alot of problems in the Chronic community. The command "!solo" if you are not familiar with it would allow you to have essentially a "second chance" after your team had been killed; however, those who played on Chronic remember exactly what people used it for(Other than AFKing). The !solo command would allow players to each individually have a chance to 1v1 the bot which was really cool and all, but it ultimately lead to an overuse of the bot. I understand that a majority of the dbs playerbase does indeed enjoy the PvB mode, but there's also a part of the playerbase who does not really enjoy the bot(or may enjoy the bot but only on certain maps). My concern is that with the constant implementation of rather troublesome features mirroring those of Chronic we could potentially recreate the huge community split that we experienced during the "Chronic days" which (in part) lead to the taking down of Chronic(RIP). BUT if the playerbase does truly wish to have !solo implemented I can continue writing it on my spare time(which isn't much) or Voidy can write it himself, either way I really don't care.

TLDR: This stuff can be bad mojo man...BAD BAD MOJO USE WITH CAUTION!

Offline Nightmare

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Re: My experience on Chronic: Potential Concerns
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2014, 07:15:03 pm »
Well, I am of two opinions on this.

For one, when the bot was on, it was always more useful to have a !solo command on, as it'll be easier to actually "train" yourself and easier to get higher speed with no one else around.  It was all around more convienient and fun with solo than without it.

On the contrary, I am one of those people who believe the bot shouldn't be overused, like some of the people I see on the server.  They want to vote in the bot in maps that don't make any sense (like Redcourt or Champ).  It gets really boring cause the bot is more likely to blast a rocket into the ceiling or low skybox than an actual human player would, and that lowers the fun of those maps for me if the bot were on those maps.  Maps like Gallifrey, Horizon, Spacedout, maps with like a ginormous skybox, I'm all for using the bot for.  These newer players who didn't play on Chronic need to understand this quicker or else, yes, I agree with Jake (Protocol) that impending doom is incoming for a few players, including myself.