My curiousity is if we can get a up and running middle of the screen pop-up for every so often in Trading Hell stating specifically the God and or Buddha are allowed as they are donator perks and donators help support the server.
Reasons: we have people everyday both new-comer and repeat visitor that come into the server and complain about god and buddha and many of the donors are tired having to explain this as well as be called every insult under the sun because there's little to no notary this is part of the server or allowed.
To quote one who did not understand today "Please Konneko no god mode killing on this server" though multiple people mentioned this was okay there was a refusal to listen to good reasoning and logic as a whole.
This is practically everyday if not actually everyday we get at least 10 or more instances of this.
Also adding another message tac on stating that people are allowed to kill on the server... WAY too many people assume they can gripe and bitch out everyone who kills them because they won't listen to people saying this is a server where killing is 100% allowed.