Author Topic: Spycrab Scammer  (Read 4103 times)

Offline HyperPlayer10

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Spycrab Scammer
« on: January 17, 2014, 04:52:35 am »
Player: Demopan

Steam ID :

Location & Time of occurence: Trading Hell at 5:30 (GMT +7)

Description: I was on the server playing but I was all alone. Then Demopan joined. He requested me to spycrab w/ him. I declined, but then he proceeded to killing me and forcing me to spycrab w/ him. I accepted. I won the first round at a tally of 0-3. Then he said that there must be 3 rounds. Now I know he is bs'ing. I never seen that, but challenge accepted. I won the second round at a tally of 2-3. Then he said the person who wins the third round wins it all. I presist to saying that I won as I did, but he then revealed that he only spycrabbed with the intention of getting a Blood Banker and a Hat of Cards and without intention of actually paying when he lost. I threatened to report him for scamming if he didn't keep his promise and he pleaded me not to as the Saxton Hell server branch is the only place he goes to. Then he pretended that he didn't hear what I said and left. Soon later he rejoined, just to plead me to not report him. He said he don't have the items but he took "Hell no!" for an answer. I told him to pay up! But he said he have school and stuff and proceeds to ignore my requests and left again. This guy seriously rustle my jimmies as he owes me 1 KEY and 1.66 REF.

Proof: Screenies below

Offline VoiDeD

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Re: Spycrab Scammer
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2014, 05:37:54 pm »
Couple things regarding this:

Was there an exchange of items prior to spycrabbing? If so, you'll need to provide some evidence of this as well, normally in the form of a screenshot of your trade history.

If not, then this kind of gambling is not something we police. My opinion on this is: no items were exchanged, so no parties were hurt. However, I believe SteamREP processes these kinds of "scams", so you can try reporting it there.

Offline Punishment_Fatal

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Re: Spycrab Scammer
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2014, 12:14:45 pm »
Couple things regarding this:

Was there an exchange of items prior to spycrabbing? If so, you'll need to provide some evidence of this as well, normally in the form of a screenshot of your trade history.

If not, then this kind of gambling is not something we police. My opinion on this is: no items were exchanged, so no parties were hurt. However, I believe SteamREP processes these kinds of "scams", so you can try reporting it there.
I would assume that no items were exchanged because the screenshots show that Demopan owes him 1 key + 2 ref, and Demopan would've probably ran instantly if he had the items and he lost so that he could gain the items.

At OP, if you tried to report it to Steamrep, I'm not exactly sure if they would accept it since it's basically like chat logs when trying to report a scam. Next time you spycrab, record the whole entire game, and have the pictures/proof that says that both parties agree to the spycrab, while also stating the rules before you agree so they can't use the excuse of "Oh, I didn't know the rules." If you get all that proof, you'd have more then likely a chance to get him marked for Spycrab running.

Usually around Trading Hell and Zombie Hell. Message me on Steam if you need something.