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Messages - Moronmaster

Pages: [1]
Deathrun Hell / Re: I leave for one month and this happens...
« on: June 11, 2014, 04:58:15 am »
Yo guys. Thought I'd clear up some confusion regarding my deathrun map, dr_ironworks.

* 111112oo is not developing or co-developing this map. I am the sole author.
* The broken third trap has been addressed in a later revision, which is currently running on the OPST servers. I will send this version to VoiDeD once I get a hold of him.
* Development has more or less stopped as a result of a lack of time, motivation and respect for certain individuals involved in the project. If you want me to actually dig down and fix every single bug, glitch and error in this map I'm going to need to hear some sweet nothings from someone.
* I've started development on a new map, pl_outskirts, which is taking up most of my mapping agenda.

I don't post or come here regularly, which is why I have not responded sooner. I am not an active member in the Saxton Hell community, nor do I (at the moment) intend to become one. I just want to enlighten some players as to why my very first deathrun map and greater mapping project is not fully flawless.
If there is further confusion, or you feel the need to contact me directly, add me on Steam and we'll take the discussion there. Just be sure to post on my profile page first, or else I might filter you out by mistake. Thanks.

Deathrun Hell / Re: Ironworks bugs
« on: May 12, 2014, 10:02:24 am »
Fixed it (probably). Going to be included in the next release.

Deathrun Hell / Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« on: April 30, 2014, 05:10:36 am »
Eh, it's alright. I just want to know that some people are actually playing it, since I spent quite a bit of time on this. Go ahead and add me on Steam if you have any further inquiries.

And you have my blessing to put this in any map rotations you see fit.

Deathrun Hell / Re: dr_ironworks
« on: April 29, 2014, 02:59:28 pm »
Safety First has a rival.

NOTE: Put a killzone over the teleport of the 3rd trap,people can go in before it activates and bug it up.

Hey man, what is this? If you're going to add this to a rotation you might as well notify me. You've been all over this project since alpha, I was hoping that you'd have the common decency to at least let me know it's being used somewhere.

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