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Messages - ThatOneGuy1337

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Zombie Hell / Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« on: March 12, 2014, 11:12:57 am »
Now i love zombie fortress, when I'm not playing RPG classics like Oblivion or Mass Effect, I'm playing on this server, and I've played just about every map. I know where all the best hiding spots are and what perks to use, and i would just like to rate how good the maps are. Hopefully you can remove my suggested maps from the rotation.

zf_4way_v11 -
zf_alpine_b4_2_fix - A very pro-zombie map. Not fun for suvivors. I have never witnessed any survivors get past the middle point. Removing is optional.
zf_asylum_b2 - a VERY good map, for zombies and survivors.
zf_badwater_gov - Not a good zombie map to begin with. Remove please.
zf_blockade_b2.1 - One of the very first maps I've ever played for ZF, way back in 2010. still love it.
zf_christmas_panic_v1 - Simple, both zombies and humans have equal chances of winning.
zf_cinema_a2 - Decent. Zombies are more likely to win.
zf_cliff_v2_6 - The first map I won by not hiding and actually helping my team. Good for learning teamwork.
zf_compound_b5 -
zf_cp_gravelpit - Remove it.
zf_cp_volcano_b1_c - Classic map.
zf_degrootkeep_v3w - Only played once, not a decent map.
zf_desertyard_v2 -
zf_dustbowl_b4 - Even though it is scrictly pro-zombie, its very, very fun. Classic.
zf_egyptmansion_v2_1 - Very simple and yet both teams have an equal chance to win. The Turbine of the ZF.
zf_expedition_c3 - Pro-Zombie, but like Dustbowl, still very fun.
zf_farm_field_v2_a1 - Hardly got to play on it, but it has many places to hide as a survivor.
zf_fortress_v4 - Medicore. Not so fun as survivors or zombies.
zf_halls_of_the_damned_v1 - Over Rated. Strictly pro-zombie.
zf_helmsdeep_sd_v1 - Would make a very good non-zf map. Still a very good ZF map.
zf_hideout_b3 - Pro-Zombie. I've played with Jking and Elesqo and I've never seen anyone win on survivor.
zf_labs_ext_5b - Basically a reskinned alpine. Not good.
zf_labs_remake_b4 - Like dustbowl.
zf_lake_v4 - Classic map. Lots of chokepoints and hundreds of stragies.
zf_lumberyard_v17 - poorly done map. Not that good, remove please.
zf_maze_v4_5 - Hard if you're not a god survivor, but if you're experinced it can be won easily.
zf_mountainhome_b2 - Classic, LOTS of places to hide and LOTS of places to hole up and make a survivor base.
zf_outsetisland_v1_fix - No good places to hide, no good places to make a stand.
zf_panic_apartment_b3 - Lots of possiblities. Both teams have an equal chance at winning.
zf_panic_mansion_cp - Badly made but fun. Lots of places to hide or make a stand, and the zombies have jsut as much of a chance to win.
zf_Police_station_II - A very underrated map. Lots of possiblities and hiding spots.
zf_rapture_a2 - Terrible. Remove please.
zf_ravine_b1 - Why do they turn valve maps into ZF maps? it doesnt make sense. Remove please.
zf_stinks - Pro zombie, and theres only one good place to hide. very fun though.
zf_underbase - One of the very few maps that i am bad at. Needs many players on both sides to be fun. But when you do, it is a blast.
zf_volcanoevac_v7 - Very zombie biased. Very hard to get up the ladders in the sand pile.
zf_yard_v4 - My favorite ZF map.

Ones that I left blank are ones that i could not remember off the top of my head. :P

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