« on: April 16, 2014, 02:04:03 pm »
Honestly, I think the map is a perfect size. The time limit is at 15 minutes IIRC, and there is such a short distance for the flag carrier to have to go that it is only fair that the prop density is really high and the setup time is 5 minutes. The point of the map is to have two bases a short distance from each other and a really dense area between them. This encourages teamwork to go through the dense fort hell (pun intended) to get the flag. Getting out of such a dense area is also a challenge. I put a fw_nobuild thing in the area between the columns and the base, so your griefing thing won't even happen. I think it at least is better than fw_3fort, which was my first map (I had a different SH account) and it sucks ass.