« on: January 12, 2015, 09:50:11 am »
Who was this pilot group and how big was the map? Cause whenever a competent person plays as this hale, people just consider the round as being done due to the hales amount of ammo, damage, and ease of movement. I play medic but i dont see how ubering a good player will help with this boss cause most of the time, the boss just rocket jumps away and then back once the uber finishes. If the rockets could be shot down by bullets or he wasnt allowed to rocket jump then that would be one thing, but even for pyros, they can only airblast so fast and he has plenty of rockets to spare. It would seem to me that this boss was build around the idea of having an already built team with classes and jobs already dictated before the round begins. For the most part, the server has some regulars but most of the time its full of random people and even regulars dont always work together. Its not about getting good, it needs to have something done to help the players who cant be promlglookatmydamageimsosick. I get that his health and crit rockets are supposed to seem daunting but i have yet to see a decent player go below 75% for him. The mobility, hp, rocket integrity, or any combination of the above could be altered to give less experienced players a chance. And im sure we are not the only ones who would like to see this boss balanced a bit more.