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Messages - Phoritifye

Pages: [1]
Thanks so much! :D So happy now, you made my day. :)

Alright, thanks alot!  Appreciate it! :D

        Hello there whoever may be reading this! I have just recently started playing on Saxton Hell's servers, and the same morning I started, I soon became a donator :P. While I was playing, I started to wonder why Festive Flamethrowers were not allowed on the dodgeball server and I wish for them to be allowed. I believe that the 'botkiller' flamethrowers are already allowed onto server ( not certain ). Anyways they are just a little bit modified skin right? I don't see how their usage of either of them, can affect other players or have them gain an advantage over others. What first made me think of this was, since I had just received my own strange festive flamethrower and was excited to go over and use it on the dodgeball server. Then was disappointed because it was restricted from being able to use. So, I was wondering if by any chance we could get it/them enabled on the server? Perhaps make it a donor only thing if not? (Just an idea.) I would, and probably many others would appreciate it if this could happen.

      Thanks so much for even reading this.  :D

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