Submit Ban / Caliber - Being a douchebag
« on: January 14, 2017, 04:04:13 pm »
Profile - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198219991573
Problem- blowing up the bomb on Machine ATKS EP13 SH2
When and Where 4:30 PM EST on
We were farming credits from the elite robots after the titans and told everyone repeadetly around 30 times to not activate the bomb so we could upgrade. caliber activated the bomb and the responded with "It never gets old." he obviously did this just to troll and be a douchbag to everyone on the server.
Problem- blowing up the bomb on Machine ATKS EP13 SH2
When and Where 4:30 PM EST on
We were farming credits from the elite robots after the titans and told everyone repeadetly around 30 times to not activate the bomb so we could upgrade. caliber activated the bomb and the responded with "It never gets old." he obviously did this just to troll and be a douchbag to everyone on the server.