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Messages - GoldPlated

Pages: [1]
Machine Hell #1 & #2 / Re: Permanently stuck on Machine Attacks?
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:48:54 am »
That's because the kids want to play nothing else BUT Machine Attacks, over and over and over and over and over.........well, you get where I'm going with this.
When a map that is not Machine Attacks loads, they immediately vote on a Machine Attacks map
There are lots of other, perfectly playable maps, yet the kids play nothing BUT Machine Attacks
Might as well remove all of the other maps and call it 24/7 Machine Attacks Hell (because those maps ARE a special kind of hell...)

Amen to that! And while we're at it, I will add that the Machine Attacks are broken (a spell can make the dialogue skip a line or two, most notable in parts 6 and 7) and overplayed (the minute something other than Machine Attacks dares appear, it's who can get a vote up for Machine Attacks the fastest...)

We have plenty of other maps...I know that if I made a MvM map and people prefer playing those broken, overplayed maps rather than play this map with the guy who MADE the map, I know I'd be pretty insulted...

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