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Topics - Wizzy

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Saxton Hell / Sniper exploits discussion
« on: April 27, 2014, 06:41:50 pm »
I felt like I needed to address something that might be very irritating to a lot of hales, whether it be VSH or FF2. This issue is snipers (and certain other classes, if they are skilled enough) getting onto very narrow, high spots that are VERY difficult for a hale to get them down. A prime example is Manncohq, and all those light poles. On other servers the tops of the poles are worked so that the snipers can't stand on top of the ones on the right hand side by the players spawn, or they are kill boxes. The ones by the building are easy enough to jump up to, but the ones by spawn require a fully charged jump, and proper airstrafing skills to have a -chance- to hit the players. HHH has less issues due to his teleport, but other hales cannot teleport, and HHH is at a disadvantage because of his teleport and having a longish cooldown. He is forced to climb after snipers on top of the poles and risk being goomba'd 3+ times getting to where he can kill them if he doesn't want to wait for his teleport constantly.

Other maps have spots that are very similar to this, and the players on the server don't help the often inexperienced hales who don't know how to airstrafe and will often die frustrated since they have no choice but to watch their health slowly be picked off.

So what do you guys think? I want to say they aren't exploit spots, but they are unfair spots to hales, and I would like to see the boxes added so that players can't stand on them.

Deathrun Hell / Pool Party exploits
« on: February 28, 2014, 02:57:45 pm »
After the fire extinguisher trap and before you enter the pool trap, people have figured out how to jump over the wall to get to hale's side and kill him or waste the round doing nothing. A kill ceiling would be nice there, that or removing the map, as of right now it is very unplayable.

Deathrun Hell / Engie/Sniper perk idea
« on: April 11, 2013, 02:07:33 am »
I have no idea if this is possible, but why not let engies with the jag/southern hospitality and snipers with the bushwacka get just one jump from the item then it breaks or cant jump them up again? Just an idea, seeing as they really don't have any perks to help them out.

Deathrun Hell / Nerf Ullapool
« on: April 07, 2013, 06:48:32 pm »
I am kind of surprised this issue hasn't been brought up, but I will do so now. The demo's with ullapools can easily ruin a map for hale. Some examples I will provide are Missing, where demos can jump up to the top of the walls by the moving platforms, go around the trap, and hit the button on the other side allowing everyone else to go around the trap. Example two is on Factory, demo can ullapool by the sentries and safely jump all the way across them to get to the other side and win, avoiding all 3 of the sentries. Example 3 is on mario, where the demo can ullapool to the top of the platforms at the very end, and just run on top of it all the way across to get to the other side safely.

My suggestion is that the ullapool gets nerfed so that demo's can't jump as high, as removing it will most likely get a huge group of people irritated.

Deathrun Hell / FartStep micspamming on server
« on: March 31, 2013, 04:22:00 pm »
I have seen fart before, he frequently likes to do this, and last I checked micspamming is for trade hell only, so here is the demo I took of him micspamming on the DR server

Deathrun Hell / Lower Hale's HP
« on: March 29, 2013, 06:32:41 pm »
I just thought of something, we never choose fight on any of these maps since hale has so much HP, we dont stand any living chance, unless we knock him off the arena. How about we lower the HP so that when we make it to the end, we have an actual fighting chance to kill him? It should also make the end game traps that dont kill him quickly go by that much faster.

General Discussion / Saysound spamming
« on: March 23, 2013, 02:00:08 am »
I love using saysounds, I love them. I don't love them when someone spams the same one time and time again, even after people ask that it stops. It gets REALLY annoying when the guy blows you off and calls you whiny for not liking the saysounds, or tells you to use the !sounds menu to mute saysounds. It should not be our job to mute saysounds because you are being annoying with them.

^ There is the link for the demo I took of the person I am using for an example, this kinda thing really needs to stop, its not a serious issue, but its an issue.

Deathrun Hell / Speed up GRU
« on: March 18, 2013, 08:17:14 pm »
I know that the GRU allow the heavy to jump really high, but 90% of the maps have no purpose for that extra high jump, so I think it would be fair to speed it up so that you can run slightly faster then most classes, maybe make it the same speed as medic? You already lose a lot of health using them as is.

Deathrun Hell / Remove voting
« on: March 09, 2013, 02:57:34 am »
I am suggesting that nominating and voting for maps is completely removed from deathrun. We literally had an argument over what maps are good, what maps are bad, what maps we can play on, which ones we can't play on. It broke down into a mud flinging contest and a nomination war. Remove the nominating and voting and you stop the stupidity and people bitching about maps. It also prevents the same 7 maps from being played over and over again, and gives a challenge to players who have never played on certain maps, or never vote for them because they are too hard. The whole purpose of deathrun is for the player to survive as long as possible and make it to the end to win, and the hale's job is to stop them. When people argue over maps it kinda removes from that idea, I like to have variety, it helps me learn new techniques and increases my skill level as a player, not spamming the same 7 maps where you just rush to the end as fast as possible. Just my two cents.

Deathrun Hell / Scout double jump glitch
« on: October 03, 2012, 05:13:45 am »
I have started to notice that certain scouts can run at full speed and double jump, I don't know if this is from the plugin or fix preventing them from doing this failing, or if its a weapon. If its a weapon it appears to be the wrap assassin, but in either case I just want to raise awareness of this, I will try and take screenshots of it should I see a scout doing it, but its not fun being hale on draconian when a scout with double jump bounces over everything and hauls ass down that hallway.

General Discussion / General ideas/adds
« on: September 11, 2012, 05:10:31 am »
Some ideas I have for the server to simply make it more convenient to the players:

An econo-bot, this is something I saw on gamebanana similar to scrapbot, only it sells common weapons, and if you get it going, can even sell hats, how it works is that someone calls it for a trade, specifies the item they want in the chat box (yes that means they have to be english friendly as they have to spell the name correctly) and it will tell you the price in metal required to purchase the item, which the user adds and the trade is completed. This would save chat from constant spamming of people wanting to buy common weapons, like pans, mantreads, or other weapons of the sort.

I am not telling you how to run your server here with this, but some of the users at night are causing problems and being trolls, and since all of the admins have gone to bed, there isn't much we can do about it, so a night time staff might be a nice addition for the convenience of non-american players, or players that just stay up quite late.

Also a VSH inspired tutorial? A server or pull up menu that explains tips/tricks and how to play on the different servers, as well as the rules for the different servers, just to hopefully lower the numbers of "useless" players because they don't know what to do.

I am not sure if this is a working model or not, but someone mentioned on the gamebanana forums a thing called troll-bot. It is a server ran bot that detects basic "trolling" and can be programmed to match the needs of different servers, and can automatically kick offenders, some of the basic functions the dude posted were language abuse, people walking out of spawn and hiding to go afk, and glitching. I can no longer find this thread nor a model of it on gamebanana, I will keep you posted should I find out more about it.

I think this is it for now, I will post on this if I get more ideas in the future~

General Discussion / Possible donator adds
« on: September 11, 2012, 04:55:25 am »
A couple of new features I would like to see added across the different servers are:

Colored text not just in trade

Removal of ad-hoc connections for non-donators. Apparently -anyone- can use the ad-hoc to get into the server, full or not.

A sound use limit, this one may sound silly, but some of the younger donators find it necessary to spam sounds for several minutes because they have the ability too, I think a cap on the actual usage per map would be something nice to see

Instead of having to use the /d feature for chat, adding a donator tab to the chat box, that blocks out regular channel chat, and only lets you see other donator chat

Nomination power, this again may sound silly, but it bugs me that we are forced to play on maps like trollrun and office constantly because they are automatically brought up into vote or nominated by many of the younger generation who play the server, I would like to see a donator vote get a higher priority so it will be less likely we play on these maps, and more likely to play on uncommon maps.

Across server chat for donators, if someone is in trade, I think being able to talk to them through the donator chat would be useful instead of having to log into the server to talk about things

I think that is all I have for now, I will keep you updated if more comes up

Deathrun Hell / Removal of ghosts on certain maps
« on: September 11, 2012, 04:44:29 am »
It may just me being a grumpy regular, however on maps like trollrun and hotdesert with the guessing traps, it really strikes a nerve when people who are already dead tell someone which way is safe, and I personally would appreciate having ghosts removed for these maps, trollrun in specific.

General Discussion / Moderators?
« on: July 04, 2012, 06:36:35 pm »
How about making a few players who are regularly online on the different servers moderators? These players would have kick, slay, and mute powers, so that they can handle smaller issues within the servers, without having to call in an admin, or if an admin is unavailable to help. Situations could include misbehaving/harassing players, AFK hales in maps without an afk slayer, and players that are ignoring rules and regulations that are minor in offense.

Basically a couple of individuals to give you admins a break to focus on larger stuff without having to worry about minor details and players acting up in the servers.

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