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Topics - LilithReiNightShade

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Zombie Hell / Perk
« on: January 16, 2015, 08:20:31 pm »
Something Zombie Fortress hell has needed for a long time is alot of rebalancing.

I am here on behalf of all Zombie Fortress Hell regulars in an attempt to convey our thoughts, or at least what i've heard from others is a shared opinion of what 'MUST' be rebalanced or added, or banned.

First, the perks.


Trapper: Trapper is one of those perks WIDELY regarded as near useless. The mines do little damage, but set the zombies on fire. However, they can be disabled by a Magnetic, and even with the fire, the damage they do won't stop much. My solution is this. Give Trappers a 25% speed bonus, and a 10% attack bonus, permanent, and buff the mines damage a bit. This  gives Trapper what it should be, a perk for denying access with at least semi-decently powerful mines, while giving the trapper him/herself the ability to escape or at least try to fight, instead of having to rely on crap-ass mines that do very little to zombies.

Failing that, an increase in mines would also be nice, doubling the limit to about 6 or so gives alot more potential, and let's face it, even 6 of those put together would kill a heavy just barely, and that takes a while to set-up by itself.

Wise: Ah... Wise. You broken as fuck perk. Wise is a hit-or-miss perk with many people. It slowly gives damage and defense buffs on kills, but lowers the other stat depending on what happens, attack being temporarily lowered when hit, and defense being lowered with kills. However... balanced correctly, like persay with a black box/concheror, or a medic worse yet. One could tank themselves into a near unkillable state with extremely high attack and defense. And all it takes is camping in a corner with and/or health, and the zombies are literally screwed.

I will now bring in a zombie perk suggestion, to balance both out.

One thing many people agree on, is Toxic needs a buff, even with crit-cola or buffalo steak sandvich mini-crits, the damage is hardly ever crippling or useful. Toxic itself needs two buffs. A damage buff, and a Stat debuff.

The damage buff will increase the Toxic 'Aura' Effect's damage. The damage you do when standing still and all. The stat-debuff isn't for zombies, it would be for WISE-Perk survivors, which will temporarily lower both their stats as long as the toxic effect is on them. This balances both perks considerably, forcing a wise survivor to abandon their defensive position at that corner, or high place, or wherever, and go out into the open to hunt down that evilly smiling toxic, who now finally has a use.

Tarred: Let's face it, Tarred is a 'normal' perk. It has its uses with no debuffs. And that, to many, is kinda bullshit. So here is my PERSONAL thoughts on a nice balance for it.

Tarred should have -25% speed on themselves due to the fact tar is sticky, and thus it makes sense for them to be slower. HOWEVER, to keep it nice to use, any time they HIT a survivor in melee, or a survivor melees them, the speed penalty applied is CRIPPLING, it goes down very slowly, however this does not apply to the SPIT they can use, that would function as it did before.

Vampiric: Alright let's face it, Vampiric is cheap, stupid, and completely bullshit... And i use it all the time because of such. It needs a nerf, i can say this with honesty. I have done so many tactics with vampiric that are just nothing but pure troll.

The only nerf i think anyone could agree on, is a defense drop of like 10 or 20%. At least give a survivor a damn chance to kill the vampiric without worrying about whether that crit shot will kill it or not, or whether they can even melee it to death amongst the hordes. Then there's a vampiric horde, and everyone dies without a chance of killing them all, unless there are medics everywhere, and so on.

Hunter: Hunter needs a nerf like Snow Leonardo needs his kinks. There are only two ways to go about this.

One is to downgrade or REMOVE completely Hunter's spawn attack buff, its unnecessary, and quite easily abused to be perfectly frank, especially on high ledges where few survivors can go to destroy the spawns, allowing endless hunter heavies to rain down and destroy them after they respawn from being scouts.

Two: is to give hunter a defense down like Vampiric would have, again, it gives the chance to kill before they strike.

This is just my two cents from opinions i've gathered.

If any of these are implemented, i know it will change how the server works dramatically, but it could be good or bad, depending on how people adapt, there are other perks than just the cheap ones people, start using them, you'll be surprised at what you find is useful when all the OP and Cheap perks are rebalanced.

Feel free to suggest more below, or to call me out for being an idiot and putting this as a post~  :P

Zombie Hell / Realistic Stash Nerf
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:53:33 pm »
To make this easy. I'll copy paste.

The Queen of Oroborus (Vore~): Stash
The Queen of Oroborus (Vore~): make it so it has supplier code that ANYONE can take it, making you actually WANT to hide it so nobody else takes it, kind of balances the perk so no medics or such can really come and help or else THEY can take the buffs, or anyone else. Not zombies of course, but any other survivors can. It also lends credibility to the perk STASH, which is generally a HIDDEN Cache.

Now i know there are trolls and such who will camp others stashes, but that just means you should ACTUALLY HIDE IT, NOT CAMP NEAR THE OTHER SURVIVORS.

There are pros and cons yes, but in the long run this would be beneficial, it'll stop camping with stash and FORCE would-be troll players to hide the thing, and not camp on it  where everyone can see their name and come 'help' them.

Honest Opinions would be appreciated, and I just ask that you people be civil about this, unlike many places, but i don't have my hopes up.

Zombie Hell / Official Zombie Fortress Point Record
« on: September 04, 2014, 07:35:13 pm »
I HenriTheLucario {SoP} / LilithReiNightShade.

Hereby am setting the official Zombie Fortress Point record in one map, at 400 points.

This was done on ZF Yard. Phlog pyro with default shotgun and back scratcher, allied was a friend medic with the normal medigun.

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