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Messages - Chikiro

Pages: 1 [2]
PropHunt Hell / Banning miniguns
« on: May 10, 2013, 05:13:00 pm »
I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in hating the minigun of the heavy on prophunt hell.  And there has always been one thing that has confused me: why is the minigun for the heavy not banned?  I understand that in some instances, it takes some skill to use it and not die.  But, ultimately, it becomes a very cheap way to get kills, especially when all the minigun user does is camp the cp.  It gets even worse when someone else on the team becomes an engineer: because then it enables the heavy to camp by the dispenser.  This in itself is completely broken and completely cheap.  Please, i've had enough of the heavy being able to use the minigun.

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