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Topics - Skroober

Pages: [1]
Hi All,

Firstly, Merry Christmas!

Now down to business. So DB and DBS have been gone for a bit. I know this is a long shot, but any chance of a DBS Hell revival? I would be willing to donate a little for server costs.

Even if DBS Hell isn't  revived, anyone out there with connections with the DB\DBS mods? These mods aren't easy to come by. Since they have been dead for awhile, why not make it freely available or open source it at this point? I know there are a few other people out there that would be interested. A lot of us spent a lot of time playing this and I'm sure a few would still be interested in playing occasionally.

I don't have access to Voogru or Voided myself, so if anyone out there with connections willing to help, it would be appreciated!

There are still a bunch of TFDB servers around with at least a handful of people playing all the time. If DB and DBS mods were more easily available we might have a chance. And DB/DBS are obviously superior to TFDB :).

Either way, I miss playing DBS with the lot of you! Whether on Voogru, TKU, Hell, or wherever it was!

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