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Topics - Inconspicuous

Pages: [1]
Deathrun Hell / Dev Door Bypass & Cocainum Exploit
« on: March 10, 2013, 03:05:26 pm »
In dev you can strafe around the double doors.


In cocainum, you can spawn yourself in the soviet run (and possibly other minigames). This is done by using the speed thingy to boost jump up onto the top of the wall, walking down it, strafing around an invisible barrier, and ending up on top of the doors to the minigame. You could also use this to hang out under the map, but there's no benefit to that.

Demo (sort of):

I have tested both of these, but I forgot to record a demo while doing the one on cocainum, so I loaded up the map and showed what I did with hale.

Deathrun Hell / Aconian Exploit
« on: November 09, 2012, 10:41:07 pm »
You can hide from the motivator in this trap, by detonator jumping on to the light.

Not sure if the map has a way to counter this, if it does than I'm sorry for wasting anyone's time.

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