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Messages - Rukrio

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Jump Hell / Re: If I Ever Become This Good
« on: September 12, 2012, 05:50:34 pm »
Wonderland's jumps (the ones at the end) are really interesting, even if it exploits an engine bug, i hope other jumpers find a way to make the most of it, especially considering the height wonderland got on his jump on the one map with the tower.

Off Topic / Re: Valve Birthday Senario Game
« on: September 12, 2012, 03:58:45 pm »
handcuffed to life with caroline... AND SCIENCE!

Off Topic / Re: ITT: Share your favorite youtube/vimeo videos.
« on: September 12, 2012, 10:40:25 am »

shut up and take my money!

Off Topic / Re: Post Whatever You Want
« on: September 12, 2012, 05:03:43 am »


= Win (PS. mute the RD one)

MFW i saw the RD one

With your proposal, you still have the worst case scenario of three level three sentries and three mini sentries. The loadout does not guarantee a certain playstyle.

I personally think the gunslinger is viable enough as it is. I don't think the engie should always get minicrits if he uses as that would just buff the minisentry to be more comparable to the regular sentry gun. I'd be up for it buffing the shotgun of the engie when using the minisentry but I don't think the sentries need to be made any stronger.

only recently did i realize the consequences of these ideas, so i gave it the "shit post" icon to save people some time :V

Saxton Hell / 2 ideas, one dumb/probably impossible, one more than possible.
« on: September 11, 2012, 09:24:06 pm »
both relating to the Engineer.

dumb one is allowing defensive engies and combat engies to be considered seperate and have them each be limited to 3.

how? by checking a player's loadout, and if the melee is gunslinger, then he is an combat engie, otherwise with all other melee/wrenches, he's considered a defensive engie.

total of engies would be doubled, yes, but defensive engies would be limited to 3 and so would the combat engies, for a total of 6.

now for the possible one:
buff the gunslinger so engies with it always get minicrits, just so it's a more viable option while not trying to be OP as heck.

if the entire thing fits better in weapon suggestions, move it pl0x.

General Discussion / Re: Merf?
« on: September 11, 2012, 09:12:50 pm »
Help. I don't know where this belongs.

BRB adding to Sig.

General Discussion / Re: Tf2's Mann Vs Machine Update
« on: September 11, 2012, 09:35:17 am »
came across a person earlier today i had to laugh at.

in a nutshell, complaining about scouts hogging the cash when it's equally divided amongst players.

think on it for a bit based on what scouts get in terms of buffs in MVM

General Discussion / Re: Possible donator adds
« on: September 11, 2012, 09:31:56 am »
Across server chat for donators, if someone is in trade, I think being able to talk to them through the donator chat would be useful instead of having to log into the server to talk about things
I like the idea of this, as long as it's a opt-in feature. Cross server chat could become very annoying with 12 servers. I'll see if I can find a plugin I can modify to suit our needs.

such things do exist, though so far as i know, either in LUA (GMOD only) or hopefully in full fledged format meant for source servers.
i wouldn't mind non-donors also using this as well, as an opt-in feature, but donors have a donor-only version as well.


it has everything cool. ponies, explosions, space, explosions, sunglasses, explosions, lasers... did i mention it has explosions?

Randomizer Hell / Re: Oh Sheeeeeettt Guise.
« on: September 10, 2012, 09:18:22 am »
it's kinda sad how obviously he hasn't (recently or often) played TF2.

"lets get some stickies out there~"
-is using sticky jumper

*Rukrio gets summoned* Rukrio: I'm going to stand on this point 'ere.
Me: Oh hell no *kills minions to reach Rukrio*
*Rukrio caps and does something I forgot*
*I get raped by bottles*
Nice going, Rukrio.

gotta love rage. far more powerful than anything for clearing out idiots, be it the user of the rage or the victims of it. you know how it goes: spam rage to lose, use rage wisely to win.

Off Topic / Re: Post Whatever You Want
« on: September 08, 2012, 02:39:20 pm »

is it sad i can see these becoming the basis for skins?

bumping this thread for two reasons, one so that we get the good lawyer (Phoenix Wright) on this server, and two because some tiny baby 'men' can't take surprise buttsex from sexually challenged spy, among other bosses that were taken out due to little kids who don't know the exact definition of 'balance' in freak fortress 2.

*for when you must point and yell at somebody

Saxton Hell / Re: What happened to Taunt Crits/Suggestion
« on: September 07, 2012, 06:06:45 pm »
gonna just say 1500 damage market gardener is a baaad idea
>market gardener idea being bad when we have 1500 dmg goomba stomps that can do massive damage when chained.

what are you smoking? probably the same thing i was when suggesting the disciplinary action buff on this thread here instead of the weapons discussion thread.

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