Author Topic: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions  (Read 77599 times)

Offline Punishment_Fatal

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #60 on: August 03, 2014, 03:05:07 pm »
Well I thought some people may not like the night version, that they'd prefer to stick to the day-timed one like the previous version, so I suggested both versions. The day version is exactly the same as the night one, but just during the day. If you think its unnecessary, then I guess only add the night one (cliff_v3).
I personally like the night version as turning of the lights will give survivors and zombies alike more of a challenge as both will be harder to find.

Usually around Trading Hell and Zombie Hell. Message me on Steam if you need something.

Offline h_twenty

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #61 on: August 03, 2014, 04:17:54 pm »
I personally like the night version as turning of the lights will give survivors and zombies alike more of a challenge as both will be harder to find.

And Voidy, just add the night version, if people complain n stuff, I'll re-suggest the day version...
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Offline VoiDeD

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #62 on: August 03, 2014, 08:04:37 pm »
I think it might be a little too dark, but I'll toss it into rotation to see how it goes.

Updated zf_cliff_v2_6 to zf_cliff_v3.

Offline h_twenty

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #63 on: August 03, 2014, 10:56:26 pm »
I think it might be a little too dark, but I'll toss it into rotation to see how it goes.

Updated zf_cliff_v2_6 to zf_cliff_v3.
I don't think its too dark, but a few people have been complaining about that so I guess it'd be great if you could also add the day version (seriously though, don't remove the night one, I like it :/ ).
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Offline VoiDeD

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #64 on: August 03, 2014, 11:24:37 pm »
I don't see much reason to have 2 of essentially the same map in rotation, so I'll keep the night version in for now. If you want to make the next version a little lighter, that'd be good.

Offline h_twenty

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #65 on: August 04, 2014, 03:41:38 am »
I don't see much reason to have 2 of essentially the same map in rotation, so I'll keep the night version in for now. If you want to make the next version a little lighter, that'd be good.

You're right. I've done just that:
(the screenshots aren't updated cuz Im lazy.)
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Offline VoiDeD

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #66 on: August 04, 2014, 09:26:20 pm »
Updated zf_cliff_v3 to zf_cliff_v3_r1.

Offline VoiDeD

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #67 on: August 06, 2014, 12:36:02 am »
Updated zf_cliff_v3_r1 to zf_cliff_v3_r2.

Offline h_twenty

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #68 on: August 19, 2014, 09:08:16 pm »
Joined during 2011.
I'm h_twenty, and I approve this messege.

Offline VoiDeD

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #69 on: August 20, 2014, 04:27:23 pm »
Updated zf_stinks to zf_stinks_v2.

Offline VoiDeD

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #70 on: November 25, 2014, 03:07:14 pm »
Renamed zf_blockade_b2.1 to zf_blockade_b2_1 to fix an issue with map downloads not working correctly.

Offline LilithReiNightShade

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #71 on: November 25, 2014, 04:50:25 pm »
Alright... This is going to be a long one.

I would HOPE that the voice of reason can cause the following maps to be REMOVED from Rotation.

First. We have zf_badwater_gov. This map was made to be a capture the flag map, but it is hardly worth even playing. Whilst not as bad as some of the maps i will be listing, the premise is long to be done, requires teamwork (not that, that is a bad thing.) but most importantly, requires INSTRUCTIONS that are not THERE. Namely, taking the intelligence to a wooden board in front of the original survivor spawn, although there are signs that point there, very few survivors actually win because of the fact that they don't know what to do with the intelligence unless told by another player.

Next, we have the other CTF map. zf_fort_b2. This map is not just bad. It's HORRIBLY DESIGNED. There are missing textures at places, the map causes its own LAG, not server lag, the map literally causes itself to lag for reasons currently unknown to me, resulting in slight player teleportation instead of walking animations, etc. Then there is the UNEXPLAINED method of delivering the intel, there is not even a sign to tell. You are supposed to knock down the boards at the beginning, and put the intel on the train by hopping on it. This is very obscure, and most don't win unless they have this forward knowledge.

*continued in second post*

Offline LilithReiNightShade

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #72 on: November 25, 2014, 04:56:29 pm »
Third... And Rather long in its time of demise. Is zf_lumberyard_v17. Although it was balanced with removing the central sentry gun, its still an unbalanced map for survivors, only now its the zombies that gain the balance, as the ability to destroy the main source of healing and ammo for the survivors, and they all they have to do to get 'easy pickings' is destroy both the big doors that keep the survivors safe, although the energy barriers do help, its easy for a large swarm of zombies to merely overwhelm WITH VERY LITTLE CHANCE at survivors being able to hold off just because their health and ammo are literally now DEATH, by pit. Combine that with a rather ludicrous time limit, and... Ugh. Its just bad.

Then we have the BIG ONE. The Granddaddy of all this stupid shit. I'd say Alpine, but that map... its a fun map, despite my hatred of it, this one is much more pressing than the map that actual teamwork can be done with some ease.

I mean zf_dustbowl_b4. And it's not even the worst offender. But its number 2 for a reason. The map is so heavily unbalanced in the favor of zombies its not even funny. It takes teamwork beyond what can be expected of nearly any GOOD, not great, but good at the game and ZF in general, player. The Zombie Spawns are everywhere, the time limit is decent, but there are too many control points, insanely long capture times, and the zombies rarely have a problem, even with friend medic pairs.

*continued in third post with the final offender.*

Offline LilithReiNightShade

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #73 on: November 25, 2014, 05:04:51 pm »
Alright. the Final offender is zf_degrootkeep_v3w. This map is near WHOLLY hated by ZF players due to how unbalanced it is for Survivors. The Map has a glitch spot off the B cap where one can stand freely on a platform in the rocks, and this alone makes it near impossible for zombies to win, as one stash or zenlike demoman (the only class that can readily make it over.) can easily destroy all opposition that comes over due to the leap penalties it entails to get over. Combine that with easily camped points, the survivors have stickies, rockets, etc. The Zombies can RARELY cap both points, and rarely make use of the time they get to come inside and kill survivors. Furthering this is the fact that the zombies cannot jump off the top of Degrootkeep like the survivors, they have to suicide to get out if the gate is not open. Which means the only effective strategy for repeat attacks is laying a hunter spawn inside. This is impractical and very limiting. The time limit is also very SHORT compared to the effort it can take to kill the survivors. As just a few demoman can INDEFINATELY hold out on top of the keep by sticky camping the points and never letting up. Making capture near impossible even with an all-out swarming effort.

I don't think anymore persuasion is needed. degrootkeep on ZF should be removed period, it should have this priority over all the other maps i've listed.

Thank you for your time in reading these three posts.

Offline VoiDeD

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Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« Reply #74 on: November 25, 2014, 10:19:48 pm »
Added the following maps to the rotation:

« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 10:21:51 pm by VoiDeD »