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Topics - Rukrio

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Off Topic / Mari0 probably has the best "cheat" in existance.
« on: July 10, 2012, 07:30:42 pm »

a practical sonic rainboom. no, i'm actually serious, rainbooms can kill in Mari0.

put it side to side with bullet time and you're getting somewhere.

i'm really and honestly curious as to why some people do so when there are no rules against the use of these 'tools'. they are there for a reason, so you might as well use them and get the fuck used to being on the wrong end of them.

to me, the Rage is there to make sure that nobody interferes with you as you kill your foes and to disable sentry nests. annoy me too much with gunfire and you're a target for the Rage, simple as that.

as to the capture point, by the time the CP is available, i'm tired of chasing people, all but 2 people are dead and itching to get back into the game, and there's a rule on the servers about holding up the round, so why should i continue holding up the round with everybody dead and just talking about the match when i could finish it up by capping, especially on FF2 when everybody is begging to be summoned when a boss who can summon is being played?

the main thing i find ironic, however, is that these people who frown on capping do NOTHING to stop me, other than to tell me to stop capping. if you want somebody to stop capping, you have to make them stop capping yourself. besides, at least if you try to stop them, it's far better than cowering while you attempt to reason with someone who can't be reasoned with, even if you die trying in my opinion.

AKA: one heck of a random "beat the game" unlock.

DO A THING! - Quantum Conundrum

now pardon me while i find a GIF of this to put in my signature.

since on the topic for a "pro mode" we got derailed onto nerfing the new scattergun, i was thinking, what are the buffs and nerfs planned out for the new weapons?

General Discussion / anybody else enjoying the new weapons?
« on: June 28, 2012, 10:49:12 am »
personally i like the new rocket launcher, it turns him from an all around, no situation he can't handle class into a defensive powerhouse.

why the emphasis on the defensive? it feels awkward trying to rocket jump with it,  having to load it up to shoot it, and if you overload it, it backfires, so you can't hold it for when i need it. and if you try to use it offensively, chances are you will die trying to shoot at somebody, as the loading it up just to fire makes it ever so slow enough to leave a window to be hit with whatever the foe has waiting for you.

my only problem with it is that random crits make this launcher feel too powerful when used for it's purpose.

who wants to bet that people are going to whine and bitch about how OP/UP one of the new weapons are?

my bet's that the Soldier's new rocket launcher is going to get the nerfed due to how OP it looks until you notice the fact you can't rocket jump predictably with it. that and if you overload it it'll explode.

have a link to a youtube video of the original song, DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu OST - Longhena Cantata (Final Boss)

it's amazing what looking around does.

also, to dispell the damned confusion that the "summoning" that administrator does is her rage,

(5) The Administrator version 1.1a

Class: Spy
HP: Low (~74%)
Superjump: None
Charge: Persuasion
Rage: Coercion
Origin: Team Fortress 2
Model: Dafini
Music: Longhena Cantata (DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu)

Persuasion allows her to summon up to 5 dead players to her side once every 90 seconds. This replaces her super-jump.

Coercion gives her a 4-round Diamondback - while it won't instant-kill like Gentlespy's revolver, it can headshot perfectly and deals extra damage, especially against buildings.
In addition, Administrator will teleport to a random player, as a safety measure in case she falls to a deep pit (eg. Nucleus, Lumberyard).

from the alliedmodders forum post as seen here:

General Discussion / that "preferred loadout" topic.
« on: June 18, 2012, 10:54:15 am »
you know, the kind of generic topic where everyone discusses thier preferred means of killing in TF2, along with reasons why.

Black Box
Rightous Bison
Disciplinary Action

Black box is used for primary as a means to get heals, dish out damage, and even rocket jump away.
Rightous Bison as a backup weapon. sure, it's not hitscan, but at least when i have no rockets and i see someone heading my way i can still keep shooting and not have to worry about ammo.
Disciplinary Action because i'm also a perv a bit of speed never hurts, especially when you're beginning a round or you're out of rockets or low on HP, plus you get to share the speed. too bad scouts can't get the buff.

Loch n' Load
Splendid Screen

Demoknighting, why you so awesome?
the Loch n' Load is what is used after Eyelander, only because half the time i can't hit shit with it... but when i do, it's usually worth it.
Splendid Screen because it's a bit of extra protection when i need it, plus i can ram into people and follow it up with an Eyelander hit.
Eyelander for the fact that it pairs well with a shield. i try to aim for at least one head with it for the sake of boosted hp and speed.

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