Author Topic: FF2 admin  (Read 4779 times)

Offline hammer777

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FF2 admin
« on: November 22, 2014, 08:12:04 pm »
I know that there were admin applications sent in a while ago because of openings. Is there any way we could get a dedicated admin in our server who could monitor it and be able to speak for us to get things fixed. Theres a decent amount of people that are regulars and would like to see an admin on the server more often. Whether it be a new one appointed by the current admins or a veteran admin who would like to take the server and make it, the regulars, and the newcomers feel more of a part of the giant community that it inhabits. Im sure im not the only one who wishes to see more of the officials that take care of the community because ive heard it countless times by both regulars and newcomers. Please take this request into consideration and if need be, im sure many more players would be willing to testify and even offer both suggestions for admins and volunteer for said positions.
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Offline Cube

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Re: FF2 admin
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2014, 08:15:15 pm »
I agree, we do need a dedicated admin. Voidy came in the server a few months ago and didnt even know what most of the hales do. A dedicated admin could fix up a lot of the small issues that voidy cant always get to

Offline CoconutPeeler

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Re: FF2 admin
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2014, 08:16:38 pm »
We need a dedicated admin who knows the bosses' flaws and can tweek them accordingly.

Offline VoiDeD

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Re: FF2 admin
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2014, 08:43:06 pm »
If the problem is bugs and balance issues, there's some bad news: the only one who's capable of modifying the boss configs and tweaking balance is myself.

On this topic, the issue I mostly see is a lack of reporting or communication. For some of the issues, I simply don't know what's broken because nobody is reporting it on the forums, the other issues that have been reported somewhere on the forums I just haven't gotten around to fixing.

I came on FF2 for the past few days and have already documented quite a few things I'm planning on fixing, and have already fixed some. (Human sentry buster's music/tick tick tick not playing, anyone?)

Offline Cube

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Re: FF2 admin
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2014, 08:46:06 pm »
If the problem is bugs and balance issues, there's some bad news: the only one who's capable of modifying the boss configs and tweaking balance is myself.

Why is this?

On this topic, the issue I mostly see is a lack of reporting or communication. For some of the issues, I simply don't know what's broken because nobody is reporting it on the forums, the other issues that have been reported somewhere on the forums I just haven't gotten around to fixing.

Lots of time you just dont see the posts.

Offline hammer777

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Re: FF2 admin
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2014, 08:52:56 pm »
Regarding the original intention of this topic, i wanted to ask again if you could consider an admin to help keep the server going smoothly. The need for improved communication could be helpe with a person who is a regular on the server and whom can speak both with us and you to help facilitate proper communication regarding what players want and need. Basically i think that having an admin can help make the server better because they can listen to us about what we feel would mae the server better and talk to you about those ideas. also,  i have a post from a while ago asking for the improvement of the heisenburg boss to be upped n damage both for his melee and syringe gun but i never got a responce.
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Offline VoiDeD

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Re: FF2 admin
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2014, 09:11:13 pm »
Why is this?

Because it requires pretty specific domain knowledge about tf2 (items, attributes, etc) and the ff2 plugin and its subplugins that nobody really possess. You could argue that the people who make bosses in FF2 have some semblance of an idea, but it's all just copy pasted crap and nobody actually understand what happens under the hood. Bringing in new admins isn't going to solve gamemode bugs.

Lots of time you just dont see the posts.

What have I missed?

Regarding the original intention of this topic, i wanted to ask again if you could consider an admin to help keep the server going smoothly. The need for improved communication could be helpe with a person who is a regular on the server and whom can speak both with us and you to help facilitate proper communication regarding what players want and need. Basically i think that having an admin can help make the server better because they can listen to us about what we feel would mae the server better and talk to you about those ideas. also,  i have a post from a while ago asking for the improvement of the heisenburg boss to be upped n damage both for his melee and syringe gun but i never got a responce.

I'm not saying yes or no about this issue just yet, I'm just trying to understand what isn't "going smoothly". Why does there need to be a new admin that reports issues to me? The forums are here so absolutely any average joe can report issues and get them fixed.

Regarding your Heisenberg thread, that one was pushed to the very back of the burner because nobody was giving their input and I wasn't sure if this was simply a complaint because someone had a bad round.

To me, it seems that Heisenberg should be balanced as-is considering he's almost a Hale reskin with some of his rage distance traded for a ranged weapon. Of your two suggested buffs, here are some potential outcomes:
  • If the rage weapon gets buffed, some people could get upset that makes him OP. Getting killed by a ranged weapon always feels pretty awful in FF2 compared to what would generally require some skill in order to get melee kills.
  • If the melee weapon gets buffe- What? Why would it need to be buffed? Pretty much all melee weapons in FF2 should be doing exactly 202 damage on melee. That's a one shot kill on most classes and allows some of the beefier classes (soldier, demo, etc) to survive a hit when overhealed. If the weapon isn't doing 202 damage then that's the bug that should be reported.
Of the two, I think that increasing rage distance might be a better buff if that boss really is underpowered. But I'd rather get more people's input before I start rebalancing things that the majority might feel are fair.

Offline ridiculed

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Re: FF2 admin
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2014, 09:32:17 pm »
"If the rage weapon gets buffed, some people could get upset that makes him OP. Getting killed by a ranged weapon always feels pretty awful in FF2 compared to what would generally require some skill in order to get melee kills."

The crossbow does standard crusaders crossbow damage, which is like 50 at medium range. You won't kill anything with it on a full game server. I think if anyone was hale they would rather have someone similar like ghost buster and slimer, who gets a good amount of bolts that pretty much one hits. I can understand wanting variety in hale rages like sacrificing damage for ammo count, but make it at least deal minicrit damage. No one would complain over it being overpowered since many other hale rages are far worse.

Also there are some hales that don't deal 202 damage. Abstract spy I think doesn't, I would have to reconfirm that.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 09:36:01 pm by ridiculed »
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Offline hammer777

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Re: FF2 admin
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2014, 10:11:49 pm »
What i meant by going smoothly is that it would be easier to improve the server and make the bosses and their attributes more balanced. There are probably many reasons why people dont post in the forums im sure, but the reason im posting now is because of that. That if there was an admin on, those glitches or the need of buffs or any other need for improvement could be taken down by that person. Its an alternative to people posting in the forums. More things that have been brought up are the melee damage of some of the bosses. Foxy hit me and did only 114 damage. Also Jason could use a buff because his hit does indeed mark a player for death but could use an increase in his melee speed because he swings so slow.
Edit: I apologize, i believe that who they were refering to that needed the increase in melee spead was jeff the killer
« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 10:24:01 pm by hammer777 »
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Offline VoiDeD

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Re: FF2 admin
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2014, 10:24:56 pm »
What i meant by going smoothly is that it would be easier to improve the server and make the bosses and their attributes more balanced. There are probably many reasons why people dont post in the forums im sure, but the reason im posting now is because of that. That if there was an admin on, those glitches or the need of buffs or any other need for improvement could be taken down by that person. Its an alternative to people posting in the forums.
Okay, so what you need isn't an admin, it's a dedicated player who's willing to report things on the forums.

Admins aren't easy to pick, new admins always have a few weeks/months of experience to gather before being proficient at what they do, nothing about the situation you're describing actually requires anyone with administrative privileges, and additionally: that one (or few) specific admins aren't always going to be on the server to write down all the issues. It'd be easier just to post on the forums which are always available, and it allows others to weigh in with their own opinions as well.

Just note that I'm not saying that we don't need any new admins (reopening applications again has been an idea I've been tossing around), just that the reason you described isn't solved by just getting new admins.

More things that have been brought up are the melee damage of some of the bosses. Foxy hit me and did only 114 damage. Also Jason could use a buff because his hit does indeed mark a player for death but could use an increase in his melee speed because he swings so slow.
Edit: I apologize, i believe that who they were refering to that needed the increase in melee spead was jeff the killer

I've noted this on my todolist. Expect some fixes in the pipeline for tomorrow.

Offline SHADoW NiNE TR3S

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Re: FF2 admin
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2014, 01:24:44 pm »
I'll have to agree with VoiDeD's previous post.

I can't adjust the configs for my bosses if there's no player reports regarding bugs or balance issues. If there isn't any feedback, i'm assuming the current version is fine as-is. I usually optimize mine so that they are not too easily defeated in FF2 servers that use STAMM (and the bloody annoying gameplay advantage perks), yet still defeatable in servers that don't use STAMM.

I didn't give femscout a charged superjump since i wanted her to take advantage of being able to double jump instead (hence her increased jump height). Although i have no idea why her pocket pistol still harms soldiers/takes out demoshields despite having a -100% damage vs players (138 ; 0) attribute set up (because its only supposed to take out buildings & stun airborne targets), but the scattergun ammo bug might have something to do with the ammo regen attribute (112 ; 9) on the pocket pistol, despite also having an attribute to only take effect while the pocket pistol is active (128 ; 1), and the scattergun's attribute set to prevent gaining additional ammo (37 ; 0).

She was originally designed to be an anti-Baby Face's Blaster scout boss, and to some degree, an anti-Engineer Nest boss (update v1.1 adjusts her rage weapon stats, while now being able to cycle between all scout Scatterguns).

I usually try to update my bosses as a bulk update (while introducing some enhancements), unless there's a critical issue, or something that needs to be reverted for specific bosses of mine.

The Freak Fortress 2 build i use to test my bosses has a larger character limit that was introduced starting with the October 15 build of Freak Fortress 2:
Code: [Select]
decl String:weapon[64], String:attributes[256];

Why Major Crits Jr's Crit-on-hit and a few other attributes not being set correctly:
Code: [Select]
decl String:weapon[64], String:attributes[64];

You'll see me hop in on the FF2 server from time to time as im usually hopping between 3 different FF2 server groups just to check if there's any bugs or ajustments needed for my bosses, but it would be better if i got player feedback to determine adjustments. Although i'll admit, it's fun playing with you guys, especially on the VS Saxton Hale server (especially because of Cave Johnson), and i've had a lot of good times on both the FF2 and the VSH server.

EDIT: For some odd reason TFCond_Kritzkrieged doesn't seem to work on your FF2 server...
« Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 03:23:05 pm by SHADoW NiNE TR3S »