Author Topic: Some things that would make people rage less.  (Read 7443 times)

Offline h_twenty

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Some things that would make people rage less.
« on: July 19, 2012, 08:24:16 pm »
Are you ready for a lot of bitching? OK; here goes:

Class restrictions don't apply in Fortwars, class restrictions SHOULD be applied, there have been times where the opposing team/my team have gone on a full blown scout barrage. Other times its been a heavy onslaught. And even times where engineers would just gun down your whole fort with wranglers then start going heavy again. I was really hoping that maybe we can do we can have: 2 scouts, no limit on soldiers, 2 pyros (because pyros can burn through props you have set down), 2 Demomen (Demomen can completely decimate a fort in seconds with the sticky launcher), 2 Heavies (Same story with demoman but also applies with the players in the forts), 3 Engineers, Medics shouldn't have a limit, 3 snipers (If a team has like 4 snipers, then it is doomed to lose, most of the time these snipers don't hit their targets, but when they do, its a massacre, spies don't need a limit.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 12:23:20 pm by h_twenty »
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I'm h_twenty, and I approve this messege.

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Re: Some things that would make people rage less.
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2012, 08:31:05 pm »
I'm liking this idea!

I was one of those people who raged not too long ago about the Pyro limit and the Scouts. It's hard to explain, but it's easy to understand once you meet a team full of Pyros and Spawncamping Engineers.

Offline VoiDeD

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Re: Some things that would make people rage less.
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2012, 11:23:00 am »
Honestly, I've never quite agreed with class restrictions on gamemodes where the teams are even. It's really up to the players on a team to work together and make smart choices.

If a whole team goes heavy, the other team should counter by perhaps also going heavy?

I don't really want to limit how people are able to play the game.

Bad players became a fact of life for TF2 when it went free to play and you can't really fix that, and I think class restrictions would just upset the people who want to play their favorite class.