Author Topic: The Current ZF Perks  (Read 2428 times)

Offline Snow_Leonardo

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The Current ZF Perks
« on: February 20, 2015, 02:02:43 pm »
Why are there even other perks in the server when for a zombie or a survivor, they literally have to use certain perks to do anything? As survivor, you have to pick: resourceful, wise, juggernaut, friend, to really have a chance at surviving. Now with the zombies you need to pick: Roar, tarred, vamp, leap or swarming to be successful at winning, even with some of those perks being considered over powered for the zombies, they still have an extremely low chance of being able to take out a friend on wise combo. Maybe the previously stated perks should get nerfed, or maybe the other unused perks should get a buff to make them more useful. Let's face it, toxic is pretty useless against anything at all times.

This concludes my rant about ZF.

P.S: Bring back one shot back stabs or make cripple stronger....

Offline Lunacy

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Re: The Current ZF Perks
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2015, 10:30:41 am »
Zambos need to work as team and surround a survivor, tar if they're fast

Edit: I remember a suggestion in another thread to have toxic ramp up damage the longer you stand still, forcing survivors to find and eliminate you.  Not by a lot but at least some form of significance.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 11:05:41 am by Lunacy »
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Primarily running around Zombie Fortress, Freak Fortress, and occasionally Randomizer.

Offline Lord Iron de Havilland

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Re: The Current ZF Perks
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2015, 09:35:17 pm »
I mostly agree concerning survivor perks, though leader, ninja, non-lethal, supplier and turtle can be decent on the right maps.

Your zombie list is way too short though. Combustible, horrifying, hunter, magnetic, rage, scorching, sick, and thieving are all pretty good.

I don't know what to do about toxic. Sure, it's pretty useless when survivors have medic, friend or holy, but otherwise it can really screw them over. Just straight-up buffing the damage would be too rewarding for someone standing still, though. If it really needs to do anything else, maybe it should either give survivors a slight debuff to their defense from sources other than toxic, or provide a slight health regen, defense or speed bonus to zombies.

In general, though, the balance seems to lean towards zombies. While a few of the survivor perks are slightly op and can be annoying in the right hands, a well-coordinated zombie team should always be able to take them down. Friend needs a nerf and ninja shouldn't give medics a speed bonus, but other than that I'd just like to see some buffs to the unused survivor perks or nerfs to a few key zombie perks.

P.S. Ehhh, I enjoyed one-hit backstabs as much as the next guy, but they don't really need to come back. Maybe a speed debuff, at the most.

Offline sandy

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Re: The Current ZF Perks
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2015, 12:16:43 pm »
i know this is a old thread, but the way toxic is a selfless can survivor near a small health for the entire round toxic is useless against any perk
and certain maps are broken by perks, topsecret is just one that can be easly broken by wise and friend
plus with friend someone can easily go on a 80+ killstreak while be swarmed by the whole or just camp with friend and wise and you can beat out sick,hunter, and toxic and be unkillable on some maps (topsecret, warhead, gravel pit,) , causes the team to just give up cause who wants to be oneshotted by just taking splash damage over and over again even when rushing with a team.
oh yeah on warhead you can rocket jump on the building and only basher jumping and leaps can get you and splash will one shot both
on yard you can go wise and friend and camp and build up till you one shot everything and heal faster then sick can hurt you and the rushing just builds your defense making the matter worse