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Topics - CAPS_rePeaT(ru)

Pages: [1]
FortWar Hell / Help me with mode wersion
« on: February 02, 2014, 01:31:21 pm »
I live in Russia and i am Fort Wars fan!
I like this mode wery much, but i cant play on saxton Hell serwers due to joli high ping (ower 200) So i Tryed to create this mode on my owh serwer, but i dont know, where i can download wersion, where i can place health and ammo like other plops. So can you giwe me link, where i can download yours wersion of this mode or just tell me wersion of it (for exampls v6.52)
Thanks eweryone, who read it and help me.
P.S. sorry for my terrible english

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