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Deathrun Hell / Re: Removal of area51
« on: January 23, 2014, 05:22:26 am »
I'm pretty sure this is not an issue but a map feature. All I see is an extraneous challenge.

Yeah, people suiciding a the code and preventing anyone to pass on many many rounds is certainly a map feature and not an issue. And how is it a challenge exactly when all you do is hope that the guy in front doesn't suicide??


EDIT: why should we deal with an infuriating issue that happens 75% of the time and prevents people from progressing? It'd be alot easier to remove that fucking code than report and deal with every single person who abuses the code?

EDIT: why ignore the problem when it can be fixed?

Deathrun Hell / Re: New voting system
« on: January 20, 2014, 09:56:12 pm »

Without rtv this will happen > DR_HELL
Without nominations, this will happen > Longer waits between good maps and has the ability to place bad maps easily at 1st position.

Deathrun Hell / Re: Suggestion for vsh_dr_area_51_b1
« on: January 19, 2014, 06:23:25 pm »
Cause I like b3. :(

I've changed my mind and I'd say b3 is better, and area 51 is decent enough to be kept, but it still is pointless to have the 2 versions at once.

I'm not taking about old maps, I'm talking about absolutely shit maps that have no time spent on them and are so poorly designed (hell, factory, basicbrick, inca) THEY should be removed (forest, dust, universe are fine) , I'd say around 5 of the worst maps should be removed.

About the time argument, I'm just annoyed that I have to wait 10 hours to play a map again and it's annoying. I don't want maps to be played as rapidly as punishment stated though.

h_twenty, If you cant load custom content correctly then how did I port maps like dr_dreamytrack that relies alot on custom content? I dont know what the problem is for you so I cant say much.

I removed the spinning trap as you cant trick death into activating it, you have to keep moving and that's op, the trap already kills enough people even though its easy. +I can do it as a heavy without the gru/whip..
BACK ON TOPIC: I'll go ahead and attempt to make a fix for area 51.

Deathrun Hell / Re: Suggestion for vsh_dr_area_51_b1
« on: January 19, 2014, 01:32:21 am »
as far as the code panel on area 51, would it be possible to teleport any surviving players to the second half if the floor around the panel is destroyed? That would probably lessen the need to troll there, at least a little bit.

Still an awful map that needs to die in hell.

EDIT: why the fuck would you want a same map in the rotation twice with each version having little change? It takes up the maplist and delays good maps from being played.

EDIT: cliffside sucks too.

EDIT: screw inca

This deathrun server is quantity>quality and that's a bad thing, If we kept the maps that were at least decent to a degree and scrapped the rest this server would be heaps better better.
+with less crap maps, there will be less waiting time between good maps.

screw castle

screw basickbrick

Deathrun Hell / Re: Suggestion for vsh_dr_area_51_b1
« on: January 18, 2014, 11:50:36 pm »
Besides, I'm pretty sure this map has custom content, so that means if it were decompiled and edited, some things would be wrong.

heheheh, no.

Custom content is 0% of the problem with fixing maps. Use BSPSOURCE (better than fukken vmex) to extract the content.


Please remove this awful ass map that takes up map space and prevents good maps from being played sooner.

EDIT: and hell
EDIT: and mario b3

Deathrun Hell / Re: dr_supermario64_v3
« on: January 18, 2014, 07:49:21 pm »
It updated:
Textures are fixed.

Deathrun Hell / Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« on: January 16, 2014, 04:13:58 am »
EDIT: forget this fix atm, I'm not happy with it.

Deathrun Hell / Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« on: January 02, 2014, 11:37:00 pm »
I updated Goldfever. If there's any missing content please don't add this.
Fixed timing on the "ported by"message
Fixed the broken teleport destination for hale
Better playerclips.
11th trap deals more damage
The cactus stems are passable to prevent the cactuses getting stuck.
The 15th and 16th trap has smaller platforms.
The barrels on the 20th trap are harder to break
Increased the speed of the 21st trap
Added Bhop
Prevented the bonus minigame from being unlocked
Increased the healing speed of the healing pads.
The rush walls require more damage to break

EDIT: The bhop will be able to be trolled by ghosts.

Deathrun Hell / Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« on: January 01, 2014, 10:23:17 pm »
Could we PLEASE remove cliffside, people hate that map so much, and on a round we recently had, EVERYONE'S GAME GOT AWFUL PERFORMANCE, missing sounds 10 fps, mic chat broken. just ugh.
EDIT: This map is so poorly designed, so ugly, so boring, people say it was the one of the worst maps, and it doesn't deserve to take up a map slot.

Deathrun Hell / Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« on: December 30, 2013, 03:05:38 pm »
I think I'm more concerned about people wasting time in the maze area, and I was considering just putting a kill zone around it.
How about have it damage players right after the sonic music stops, As I made it once just before he came.

Deathrun Hell / Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« on: December 30, 2013, 02:27:02 am »
Could we turn off sounds turning off after a round ends on delay cause the music room takes along time to get to. (takes about 3-5 mins)

Deathrun Hell / Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« on: December 27, 2013, 03:01:02 pm »
Nope again, it's either the old version 70mb (My recommendation), broken sound with minigames 80mb (what i want least), or 140mb. EDIT:Some people said they were fine with 140mb (3) but no one said any complaints about that.

Deathrun Hell / Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« on: December 27, 2013, 02:43:11 am »
How does that even happen. :| Fixed by removing that door entirely.
I personally prefer minigames, but this is something I'd happily put up to a poll. 100mb is slightly pushing it, is it possible to scrap the sounds on some non-important traps?

Also, what is even contributing to that large filesize? Looking at the old 150mb version, I see a pink_speak_to_me.wav that's 39MB, and bunch of other apparent full-length Pink Floyd songs that likely don't need to be full-length.

The floyd songs were converted to mp3's. Sounds without floyd is 20mb. Materials 12mb, models 3mb so I dunno.
The map is MASSIVE though with tons of detail and I could see that having a factor. + the 4 new endings.
EDIT: I could trim 4mb off the sounds. that's all. :I

Deathrun Hell / Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« on: December 26, 2013, 10:26:45 pm »
100mb for Actually fixed timetravel, Jesus fuck.
I'd rather fixed sounds than minigames, unless voidy says yep to it, but that's probably not going to happen.

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