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Messages - Wizzy

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Deathrun Hell / Nerf Ullapool
« on: April 07, 2013, 06:48:32 pm »
I am kind of surprised this issue hasn't been brought up, but I will do so now. The demo's with ullapools can easily ruin a map for hale. Some examples I will provide are Missing, where demos can jump up to the top of the walls by the moving platforms, go around the trap, and hit the button on the other side allowing everyone else to go around the trap. Example two is on Factory, demo can ullapool by the sentries and safely jump all the way across them to get to the other side and win, avoiding all 3 of the sentries. Example 3 is on mario, where the demo can ullapool to the top of the platforms at the very end, and just run on top of it all the way across to get to the other side safely.

My suggestion is that the ullapool gets nerfed so that demo's can't jump as high, as removing it will most likely get a huge group of people irritated.

Deathrun Hell / FartStep micspamming on server
« on: March 31, 2013, 04:22:00 pm »
I have seen fart before, he frequently likes to do this, and last I checked micspamming is for trade hell only, so here is the demo I took of him micspamming on the DR server

Deathrun Hell / Lower Hale's HP
« on: March 29, 2013, 06:32:41 pm »
I just thought of something, we never choose fight on any of these maps since hale has so much HP, we dont stand any living chance, unless we knock him off the arena. How about we lower the HP so that when we make it to the end, we have an actual fighting chance to kill him? It should also make the end game traps that dont kill him quickly go by that much faster.

General Discussion / Re: Saysound spamming
« on: March 25, 2013, 04:18:04 am »
oh well, this is a rant thread anyway, feels good to bitch about something, lets other people see my pain and join me. That or this was a complete waste of time, either way, rant thread.

General Discussion / Re: Saysound spamming
« on: March 25, 2013, 01:05:44 am »
This doesn't seem to be a pressing issue to me. If you can just turn off sounds until the spammer stops/leaves, whats the issue?

Some people like trolling and spamming a saysound if you say that it sucks or something, but I guess that just feeds them to make them do it more anyways. My main issue is that when a sound is spammed pretty consistently and more then 1 person is asking them to stop and they keep doing it.

Deathrun Hell / Re: 2 new maps
« on: March 24, 2013, 12:59:51 am »
Hello all, I have found 2 new maps.
I was wondering how (is it even possible) 2 bring these 2 new maps in2 saxton hell.
Sorry bout all the 2's  8)

Brand, you need to go under your tf2 folder where all the files are kept, find the maps and add them to something like dropbox or another filesharing thing, so that the admins can download them and look at them.

General Discussion / Re: Saysound spamming
« on: March 23, 2013, 11:16:55 pm »
Eh I made this a rant for a reason, I am sure I am not the only person who thinks that sound spamming gets to be quite annoying. I literally changed some of the saysounds that I found annoying to things funny/awesome so it doesn't annoy me as much if they are played, but spamming them time and time again, such as scootaloo and dosh, it just gets irritating. There is a cap on saysounds, but it feels like there needs to be a cap on players use of them, so that they can't repeat the same sound constantly, and especially not 7-8 times within a minute.

Deathrun Hell / Re: The Disciplinary Action in DR
« on: March 23, 2013, 04:46:37 pm »
you understand those two are completely different sides of the stick right

How so? If you are whipped, you need to understand how it works, so that you can correct jumping and movement so that you don't die under its effects, effectively learning how to use the whip.

General Discussion / Saysound spamming
« on: March 23, 2013, 02:00:08 am »
I love using saysounds, I love them. I don't love them when someone spams the same one time and time again, even after people ask that it stops. It gets REALLY annoying when the guy blows you off and calls you whiny for not liking the saysounds, or tells you to use the !sounds menu to mute saysounds. It should not be our job to mute saysounds because you are being annoying with them.

^ There is the link for the demo I took of the person I am using for an example, this kinda thing really needs to stop, its not a serious issue, but its an issue.

Deathrun Hell / Re: Remove pushing
« on: March 21, 2013, 10:26:30 pm »
Pushing can be pretty useful in DR, I do not want it removed. Sure it is irritating to get pushed off an edge since you are taunting or using a misc item like bonk or a sandvich, but oh well. DR is competitive, every player wants to win. If that means I push you off a ledge because you were being dumb and taunting constantly, oh well your fault. Pushing is also useful for those pesky players who run out of spawn then go AFK, so you can just push them off the map and continue the round so you don't have to wait for them.

Griefing is a pain, yeah I can see the argument to have collisions removed since it is irritatingly hard trying to platform on tricky areas with someone purposefully trying to push you off, but that's why I have the high 5 taunt, they try pushing and I wait in the taunt until they move, griefing should be frowned upon, even IF this is a competitive game mode.

Deathrun Hell / Re: The Disciplinary Action in DR
« on: March 21, 2013, 10:20:42 pm »
I think I am gonna shoot this down. The whip is the only item that the soldier can use to speed himself up, since the escape plan cannot be used. The whip can also be very helpful to people who don't want to risk dying on a guessing platform, so they can be whipped and simply jump over it. My suggestion is instead of whining about it since you can't control your motion or speed while under the whips effect, learn how to use the whip effectively.

Deathrun Hell / Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« on: March 21, 2013, 10:17:58 pm »
I have been hit by the spikes on winterhill directly, it just pushed me aside. There are other traps on other maps that have that same effect, an explosion trap won't kill heavies since they have so much HP. It just becomes a question of fairness then, is it fair that there is a chance I can live through spikes falling on me, is it fair that I can be a heavy and live through an explosion?

Deathrun Hell / Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« on: March 19, 2013, 12:34:12 am »
Wasn't the server crash caused by the addition of the kill wall surrounding the trap in low gravity? Is there not a way to add boundaries like on block so that instead of a kill wall players just cant walk through it and are forced into the trap? I asked Diealready to fix the traps on darkenergy, but I dont think he has attempted to as of yet.

Deathrun Hell / Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« on: March 19, 2013, 12:28:16 am »
Correct me if I am wrong, but didnt Diealready help with some of his maps?

Anyways, on mario the pusher plants dont always push you completely off, and you can stand safely behind them without them squishing you. The two cloud traps can be broken by shooting them and they dont kill you if they fall on you regardless, the block trap in the lava area also doesnt kill you if it lands on you.

On area 51 the black hole trap in the middle room sometimes doesnt shut off, and other times it wont even activate, also the explosion trap at the end doesnt always kill.

Winterhills spike falling trap doesnt always kill you, same with the flying ambulance.

Also on the topic of fixing maps, why dont we fix darkenergy?

Deathrun Hell / Re: Map Rotation / Map Suggestions
« on: March 19, 2013, 12:08:01 am »
I am just going to argue the point that we still play on maps that have broken traps such as mario, winterhill, and even area 51.

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