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Messages - FlyingSquirrelzz

Pages: [1]
Freak Fortress Hell / Re: The master spy?(Boss concept)
« on: February 09, 2014, 05:23:04 am »
Stupid ideas go directly into the trash can gg

No need to be rude.
And unless you have a better idea
I feel like you should keep your mouth shut.

And bobo

Kay,Im just new here so I didnt know
Thanks anyway

Freak Fortress Hell / Re: Hale Suggestion (My First Topic)
« on: February 09, 2014, 05:21:55 am »
That, and where do they get off making all these requests when I have never seen them in the server. Im actually thinking they are either
A. Russian
B. A Troll
C. Have an extra X Chromosome

Try non of the above.

Ive never seen you either
I did see several people tho.
Were probably at different Timezones.

Also I usually play on Deathrun.

Mainly got to the forums due to someguy micspamming,And I wanted to report (I had a vid)
So I went to the ban submit page thingy.
Annnnnd here I am.

They're asking where people came from because we now have a mass amount of Hale requests out of the blue by several members who just joined the forums. They're wondering how people found out about the forum and not being mean in the process.

I feel like the 'I want you to get the **** out" Is made in order to be Mean.

Freak Fortress Hell / Re: Hale Suggestion (My First Topic)
« on: February 07, 2014, 04:37:39 am »
Who invited you guys to the forums

What do you mean?
Im pretty sure you are allowed to go on these forums.

really who did

Saxton hell is a TF2 community/servers (Whatever youd like to call it)
So im pretty sure you CAN go on the forums.
So if you guys could stop being mean to newcomers
It would be appreciated.

Freak Fortress Hell / Re: Lighting bolt hales
« on: February 07, 2014, 04:36:40 am »
In a nutshell,If you give hale's lightning bolts make them less powerful(No uber/scare.....etc)

Submit Ban / Re: Micspammer on Deathrun
« on: February 07, 2014, 04:33:51 am »
He did talk in a weird voice repatedly after I asked him to stop......
Pretty sure its a micspam.

Freak Fortress Hell / Re: Rabid heavy, and His engineer? (Duo boss)
« on: February 06, 2014, 02:11:10 pm »
I feel like if its duo,The heavy should have more hp.

Freak Fortress Hell / Re: Hale Suggestion (My First Topic)
« on: February 06, 2014, 02:10:45 pm »
I dont really think its that useful.
So...Id say no.

Submit Ban / Re: Micspammer on Deathrun
« on: February 06, 2014, 01:43:14 pm »
Yeah well I had bandicam running so I just used it....
I could upload it to youtube or something.
And make it 'secret' so that you can view it with only a link.

Freak Fortress Hell / Not your usual.....(Boss suggestion)
« on: February 06, 2014, 01:42:21 pm »
Name: Not your usual(Enter class name here)
I was thinking
Since TF2 Has shit ton of expensive items
Why dont we make a boss which has those items?
So basically
Any class(So that the name will change with it)
Unusual team captain flame thingies(Most expensive TF2 item I think)
And if you cant put unusuals
Top notch(The hat notch was given to,As it is unique and theres only 1)
And as a weapon Australium(Gold) Killstreak pan
Now I dont know if you acttualy can do that and put unusual effects or killstreak/australium as a weapon
But saxton hale has strange fists.Soooo,Probably possible.
In a nutshell

Any class
Unusual team captain(Flames something(Forgot its name))
Top notch(Notch's(Creator of minecraft) hat)

And australium killstreak pan
Or maybe just australium pan.
Or gold pan.I dont know how this works.

Ive been told on other topics that you dont make bosses so....
Just say what you think about the idea.

Freak Fortress Hell / Re: Lighting bolt hales
« on: February 06, 2014, 01:29:18 pm »
I feel like they SHOULD Break the shields.
Im pretty sure most of those who get lightning bolt dont have other attributes.

Freak Fortress Hell / Re: Fem Sniper as a hale
« on: February 06, 2014, 01:27:42 pm »
I think it wouldve complicated things.
Because then you would have to make everything fem,Or else you wouldve been 'Racist'(I forgot the word for the opposite of feminist)
So...That would really complicate stuff.
Besides,The fem spy is a bit more 'famous'
I barely knew about the fem sniper.
Didnt even think anyone made a model of it.

Also,If you would acttualy make such a boss

Freak Fortress Hell / The master spy?(Boss concept)
« on: February 06, 2014, 01:25:00 pm »
Boss name:Master spy (Or anything,I dont really mind)

Concept:each of his bodyparts is of a differnet class(Scout-spy)
So for example
Front chest-Spy
Back chest=Sniper
Right hand:Scout
Left hand:Heavy
Front legs:Medic
Back legs:Demoman
Left foot:Soldier
Right food:Engineer

He has 2 feet,Not 4 as it might seem,What I mean is that its half Medic and half demoman(Same for the chest)

I feel like it wouldve been really cool.

Also-On last guy(Similar to hale's last guy call)
One of the classes most memorable quotes.
So for example
If the last guy is sniper
'Sniper voice: I was never on your side either''Spy voice: Ahem(As in the cough he sometimes gets when battle crying) Im going to gut you like a cornish game hen'
So basically a memorable class quote and then the spy changes his voice back to normal.

I dont have any model or anything,Just thought about it.

Last classes:
Scout:'Scout voice: Im going headbutt ya!''Spy voice:Ahem(Cough),Off to visit your mother!"
Soldier:'Soldier voice:I am going to claw my way down your throat and tear out your very soul!''Spy voice:Ahem(Cough)Oh, Soldier, who will they find to replace you? Anyone!'
Pyro:'Pyro voice:Random mumble(HE DOESNT SAY A THING.)Spy voice:Ahem(Cough)Good lord, you fight like a woman!'
And it goes on and on.

What do you guys think?

Submit Ban / Re: Micspammer on Deathrun
« on: February 04, 2014, 04:18:22 pm »
He got here about an hour ago,I dont think he would change it.

Submit Ban / Micspammer on Deathrun
« on: February 04, 2014, 01:13:27 pm »
I forgot to take it but his name is shown in the video
When and where:
Deathrun #1
At about 20:55 (Jerusalem,+2)
Mic spammer wont stop spamming even after Ive requested it several times.
I cant put the video here because its 167 MB,And the maximum is 1024.
And I dont know how else to do so.

Edit: If you need the video tell me how to send it (Mail or something) because it wont let me put it here.
Another edit:
Found the guy.

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