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Messages - sambawarkiddo

Pages: [1]
PropHunt Hell / Re: Rant Yo Shit Here.
« on: April 06, 2013, 12:26:39 pm »
With him running faster than scouts, a player on Blue team receives a speed bonus with every prop kill they achieve. I'm not sure if you meant further into the round or immediately upon spawn so I ask you to please elaborate.

With the spraying issue, please record a demo or take screenshots the moment it happens.

Also, it seems that he has an issue with the player Veni. If there's an issue between the two we ask to please keep it off the servers and keep it among themselves.

I see what you're getting at, but I don't think you're quite understanding me, or I haven't made myself clear properly.
What I'm saying is that he Runs faster than scouts /AS/ a scout when on RED Team.
I know BLU team gets a speed bonus per kill, but Box runs faster than every other scout on RED team from the very start.

PropHunt Hell / Re: Rant Yo Shit Here.
« on: April 06, 2013, 11:51:07 am »
Soo, I guess I don't REALLY know where I should be posting this, but I guess this will do cuz it's kiiinda technically a mini-rant.

I'd like to pop it into attention that I, as well as a few others are now under the suspicion that the Prophunt Hell's #1 may be under influence of potential hacks.
During gameplay, it was actually Veni who first pointed out that Box was able to run much noticeably faster than that of a regular Scout. It grew evident over time during the Manor Event map.

I'm really not sure if this is true or not, but I really feel it should be something to be closer looked at.

On top of this, Box has been giving out prop's positions during game.
The method in which he's been doing so is by placing his tag slightly behind another prop and running off, ergo giving their position away (occurring to Veni often, ironically).

Juuuuust thought I'd bring this to your attention in some kinda form is all.

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