Author Topic: Binds that I felt like sharing.  (Read 2471 times)

Offline Nightmare

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Binds that I felt like sharing.
« on: May 15, 2014, 06:07:28 pm »
I felt like sharing a few aliases I made in the past few days that may be of interest to some Dodgeball players.

Left-Click Airblast

alias lcab lcab1
alias lcab1 "bind mouse1 "+attack2"; bind mouse2 "+attack"; echo Left Click Airblast on.; alias lcab lcab2"
alias lcab2 "bind mouse1 "+attack"; bind mouse2 "+attack2"; echo Left Click Airblast off.; alias lcab lcab1"

You bind lcab to a key and it will cycle through your M2 and M1 attacks between the buttons, I feel like a Left Click Airblast is more useful in DBS as it would give better timing for your airblasts due to using a trigger finger instead of a middle finger.  Press the lcab key again to return your attacks back to normal.

Adjustable Viewmodels

alias view+ "incrementvar viewmodel_fov 40 90 5; echo Viewmodel changed."
alias view- "incrementvar viewmodel_fov 40 90 -5; echo Viewmodel changed."

You bind two keys to view+ and view- to increment your viewmodel by 5 each time. I use a viewmodel as a visual aid in how far my airblast can extend to, again, for better timing of the rockets and nukes.  The lowest value is 40 and the highest value is 90, but you can change any of those numbers how you see fit.  This assumes you're not using DBH's !fov command and using an fov_desired of 90.

Adjustable Lerp (when you are dead or spectating)

alias lerp+ "incrementvar cl_interp 0 0.03 0.0001; echo Lerp increased."
alias lerp- "incrementvar cl_interp 0 0.03 -0.0001; echo Lerp decreased."

You bind two keys to lerp+ and lerp- to increment your lerp by .1 everytime.  This assumes that you already have found a lerp you're most confortable with, if you have not done that, go here or here NOW.  Once you have a comfortable lerp, you may notice people saying "I hit that.", thats because your timing for that map or your timing in general is incompatible for that map.  Once you die, you have to assess HOW you died.  If you thought for sure you hit the rocket or nuke, lower your lerp up to a whole point on how off you were, and vice versa if the rockets were too fast (Do not do anything if your opponent pulled a curve on you, that means your reaction needs work.)

I also made an !fov bind if anyone needs it, but it is pretty guerrilla styled and I really don't recommend the use of it.